Big hand punishments

a lot of people plays slow decks, which is good.

I just wish there were more “punishments” or gambles for holding that many cards in hand in standard.

can we bring back Milling?

  • more cards that makes your oppenent draw (battlecry)
  • more cards that gives your oppenent cards

can we bring back minions that benefits from the oppenents hand?

  • like “Clockwork giant” or “goblin sapper”

Plenty of mill rogue in Wild.

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yeah but I mean standard


Seems like a reasonable request. Let’s print more Warlock cards like LoE’s Curse of Rafaam.

We give the opponent cards that are bad to keep in hand. Like, “while this is in your hand, minions cost 2 more”.


I think we don’t need any more mill. It really angers people which is why Oracle was HoF’d.

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Mill strategies that are powerful are unfun to play agaisnt. But mil sparingly is good to have. Warlocks shouldn’t always feel free tapping to 9 cards with no fear of overdrawing. So stuff like Mages draw 2 cards for each is good atm.

When you’re sitting at 5 cards in hand, an the opponent is able to make you mil cards thanks to Oracle’s an such, THAT’S OP an unfun.

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Warlock can already turn their entire board into legendaries. What more do you want?

Eer no. It’s only their hand and deck. Shaman can turn their board into legendaries. :slight_smile:

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Lol right. I could make a huge list of what I want for Warlocks. However this thread is about hand disruption basically, or cards that are good to play with an opponent having a large hand. Let’s not derail the OP thread.

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I think the problem with Oracle that it was too cheap

Alright. As for my opinion about bringing the milling strategy back to the game; I don’t like it. People have already occasionally complained about being “unable to play their cards” because their opponent did this or that. If milling, forcing your opponent to discard a big number of cards from their deck over the course of the game because their hand is constantly full, became a thing they would actually be right this time.

I wouldnt care if oracles cost was 0 mana. The problem was when you had more than 2 in a deck. Shadowstep, shadowstep, Gang up, Gang up, Valeera, Toggwaggles scheme, Toggwaggles scheme, etc. Your opponent would have lik 30 oracles in deck. Rogue was the only class that had a really good mill deck. Druid had an ok one at one point. You could meme around with mage i guess?

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im in for a “moderated” way of milling, that punishes big hands but not in a opressive way to punish any type of deck, i had a meme agro mage that used eremite cho plus the mage 2 card draw but its more for fun than competitive

Just casually tapping my foot waiting for Teo’s upcoming post lol.

Mmm, this is a strange request.

Excluding Mill, the old “punish” was Divine Favor, but what that felt like was that you were putting effort and risks to draw cards, and your opponent just benefitted from what you were doing. While technically a punish, it punished “fair” draw mechanics too, while the Paladin just vomited with little regard for resource conservation.

Also, while the idea of Goblin Sapper was interesting, a vanilla-ish minion against someone with a full hand usually meant it just got popped off. Even Clockwork Giant, if you were able to play it early, your opponent probably had an answer (and today, they’d have Freeze Ray, among others).

I’m sure there’s a lot of ideas we could spitball - the question is what feels fair, whether it’s a control or aggro card, and what effects could punish the target deck without being either useless or oppressive elsewhere. We could create new Hogriders if we wanted - Charges if the opponent has more than X cards (maybe Rushes if not?). Could have a cheap legendary that shrinks hand size by 2, but then it feels kind of pointless against not specifically aggro, while also being dangerous with Shadowstep.

I’d probably go with a kind of reverse Astromancer. Two bodies, so hard to deal with in only one card, and still summons something small even against aggro. One problem: it’d probably end up included in the hand decks themselves to counter each other.

Bah, back to the drawing board.


My mistake: they turn their imps into legendary minions that are in their deck.

Think of the cool things that Rafaams Scheme could’ve been.

3 mana "Add this to your opponents hand. While in it, during their turn you summon 2 1/1 imps. NOW thats a cool scheme.



The game will also never get any extra depth while people act like whatever punishes they playstyle is bad design.

That is why HoF divine favor was a mistake for example.

I understand that it was powerfull but cards that can only be used to punish X or Y style of plays HAVE to be powerfull at “their thing”.


The problem with df was that it was a virtual get out of jail free card for aggro paladin, not that it was too punishing toward control.

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Than we have here a nerf scenario and not a HOF one.

But I need to say that 3 Mana with conditional draw of 3 cards isn’t really a so powerfull “jail free” card and if it draws more you’re probably against the control opponent that is who would get punished.

Anyway blizzard already understood that they did it wrong and if the buff not works they will probably print new draw to fill the hole without have to admit the mistake.