BG's and the game stopping

My Nvidia and windows are both up to date so I’m unsure how to resolve it. The game will suddenly stop mid battle. It has never happened while I’m in the lobby choosing cards or refreshing, only during battle, and not with every player.

I left out an important point so I’m editing it in. If I close the game out and restart, I am able to continue playing. I’ll return to the lobby but will have missed what happened during the battle that stalled out.

Everyone has this problem…Kripparian doesn’t even comment on this anymore…It’s Blizzard, what do you expect, to get quality work for the disgusting high prices of the shop ?

I really hope Blizzard fails in all his projects after being bought by Microsoft. I mean really , I know I sound really hateful now, but if I would ever get a wish, I wouldn’t wish for world peace or hunger stop…I would wish for Blizzard to never exist…

Lately they s@ck too much to even give them credit for something…


I’m unsure how your post relates to my post. I’m asking a two part question; is anyone else experiencing this and has anyone seen a fix for it?

As for your venting, I’d be lying if I said it’s not confusing to me. It’s as if you expect that I have a certain knowledge set of kippler and what’s going on behind the scene with an issue you have with someone on the forums?

Correct. I have no understanding of your post or how it relates to the question I asked.

I mean, I understand you are an angry individual but can you please take it out on someone else. Thanks.

I keep on giving you the answers to your question, and you just point out that I am angry…I get it now why you couldn’t get the answer to your question using google…It must be hard for you to get by day by day.

Let me re-iterate, it’s not your nvidia or updated windows…everyone has this problem, everyone closes the game and restarts it for it to work again…People have reported it, people have posted it on reddit, Blizzard hasn’t fixed it because they probably do not know how…

End of story.

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