BG - I have to concede bf start 30 games before play

I think this is annoying for all the players in the BG.
Having 1-2 less player each time affect the game of everybody.
What happen to me? Every single game I start, before have a real game I must concede from 20 to 30 times (BEOFRE THE GAME START! ) Why?

Simply because I do not care abut my 4500 rating and because I play for fun. I simply don’t want to play with low tier heroes and because I have to pick from n.2 heroes and not from 4 anymore, this make it more annoying.

In most of the game at this level I see many “conceded players”, probably annoyed like me and like me dont want to pay to win, because If you have 50% more chance to get a better hero is pay to win.

Would you like to get back to the gold system for heroes and let people have a fair game or just having a lot of concedes?

Never liked pay to win-


hmm so you are trying to lower your rating to get easier opponent on puprose ?

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once again didn’t bother reading an op, and decided to troll. Big surprise.

i dont believe he doesnt care about his rating because there is a weird contradiction

he claims he plays for fun


he also says he doesnt want to play low tier heroes


That’s because you never bothered setting empathy for players to “1” but always managed to find a way to side with your scummy corporate overlords. Find it within your programming to empathize with humanity, and you just might troll less for the suits at actiblizz.

ops I miss the answer before. I mean I dont care if a Hero is low or high tier, I just like to play with some;)

Definitely if it was 4 heroes I would not leave the game. Really dont care at all about rating. Got high rating back then and couple of time legendary. Now just playing wild and bg for fun

It does not matter how much you concede 4500 is as low as you will go.

Except you label 95% of the heroes low tier.

Sorry 95% are not low, 95& are just not the best possible.

Not conceding at all this was my week.


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Im 100% in agreement with the OP. I couldn’t care less about my rating, if there’s a game with heroes that I don’t like, or with minions I don’t feel like playing, I’ll quit at the start and find a new game. And I usually am not the first or even the 2nd person to quit. There’s been many times that I’ve conceded before turn 1 and actually gained rating because so many others quit before I did.

I think blizzard needs to either cut 50% of the heroes, or implement a “favorites/blacklist” system to help reduce the odds of getting a hero you don’t like.

Also, worth noting that I do pay for the extra 2 heroes at the start. I don’t have a problem with paying to get more options, I just think as a whole, BGs are too saturated with trash heroes that are very unlikely to result in a competitive game

You are free to concede as many games as you want.

You are not free to have a competitive advantage, which is what letting players always pick their favorite hero would do. If anything, it’d be a feature on Paid Premium BG All-Star Battlepass Plus Ultra.