BG: How to play beasts now?

Aye, title. Eversince the frog and the horse got removed I struggle to get past Top 4, if I even get there. What are your new strategies for beasts? I tried the new Dino and Slammers, but that doesn’t seem to work well unfortunately. If you can survive long enough, is Octosari now the only win condition?

from my understanding and how i feel that everyone at my elo cheats i’m not shure how you play half the races. All that seems to matter are numbers and poisonous and with people getting elementals and mechs up to 100+ with every what feels like half their board I don’t see how reborn or an 8/8 beast is supposed to matter much. I assume you are supposed to summon more minions like murlocs do now but the murlocs stole that from demons and do it better??? (the whole summon a card from your hand in combat mechanic started with demons). I’m not shure how they could balance the poorer races better but imo it would be nice if they took out all the classless cards from the game. they all want you to build all races but have no race themselves. Makes me wonder how op they would be if they all had a different race.

tldr yea probably but why you playing beasts haven’t they always been one of the worst races :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it’s not always a matter of choice :stuck_out_tongue:

Either way, I agree. I don’t see Beasts being viable at all considering that most other tribes can hit stats way outside of beast range. Octosari is difficult to obtain and even then, I haven’t seen tentacles getting more than 120/120.

Pirates scale easily very high if played properly, Demons are kinda reasonable in that regard, Murlocs can scale like crazy, but only if you have the warcry trigger minion and the discover-murloc, mechs are straight up OP and win most lobbies (Except if you scale higher than their Eyebots and get the T4 AoE-on-Deathrattle-Minion)…

Ehh. I could go on and on. But beasts, followed by undead? Meh. Naga come after that, can be very strong and versatile, but meh.

Most strong tribes can be defeated by toxic minions and leeroy. For beasts you just need Sindorei or minions having stats around 200 if the beastplayer “highrolled”.

no, beasts until recently where op as they got their power early.

No idea how to play beasts,

mechs are probably the strongest right now but you will eventually run out of magnetic minions if 3 or more a playing the most common mech Strat

How… how in the wide world are you able to get this? I can barely reach tier 4 by turn 9 before im eliminated by people having about 5 of their 7 minions still alive. and recently my largest board were in their 30/30s. Those were elementals. How in the world can you possibly reach the 100/100s?

Well, 200 is rather rare for me too except if I highroll with beasts in a game and get some nice battlecries out. Or pirates. Elementals, unless cheesing with beasts, are late-bloomers that rely on T6 minions to boost their board. Usually I’m tier 3 at turn 5 and tier 4 at turn 7 - most people are unless they have a hero that profits from going tier 3 on turn 3 and tier 4 on turn 6.

If you lack knowledge of certain synergies I suggest watching some youtube videos from streamers ^^ Rdu is the most human in my opinion if that matters to you. Learned quite a bit of what can work together and what most likely won’t.

I tend to reach tier 3 on turns like 7 or 8 gold, and might reach tier 4 by the 10 gold turn. if I live to get to tier 5 its within the following 3 turns of going to 4. I rarely ever reach tier 6 even when Im in the epic matches that go on for 20 to 30 turns. Do you have a recommendation of a HS player that actually edits, pauses and explains what going on, what decisions are being considered and what the strategy is and why being played out? Think of how you might have seen Madden draw the Xs and Os and arrows on a clip of a football game. explaining what the players on both teams were doing and why. That is the bare minimum for me to retain anything in a game otherwise Im like someone watching someone else play a Theremin. Looks and sounds neat but im totally lost as to the substance of what im seeing and hearing lol.

I won last night with beasts using mama bear and a banana slamma, plus a few deathrattle beasts - two raptors, a sewer rat (all three with taunt), and a rat pack. Had one of the turtles, too. I thought I was a little lucky and it was a little underpowered, but I always seemed to have enough of the 30/30 to 60/60 minions to power through.

I was slow to 6 and never even saw an Octosari – or now that I think about it, the reanimating rattler, both of which would have helped a lot.

In case you need it, my early game started with the manasaber and some scavenging hyenas, a humming bird, the turtle, then an early raptor from a golden triple. Then I worked in the slamma, the rats, the mama bear from another triple, and then golden upgrades as available.

Actually you can just have a couple “Gain a magnetic minion at end of turn” cards with double end of turn minion. That pool of minions is endless it seems XD I had like +15 gold a turn from that combo in addition to all the other magnetic buffs.

BGs are very highroll right now, so it’s hard to say “how to play a specific tribe”. I will just say get the 1-2 good cards for any tribe, and you’ll likely make top 4.