BG: Good vs. Bad Anomalies

In my opinion Anomalies have added a much needed flavor back into battlegrounds. The random elements of it make the decision making process much less obvious. For that I’m glad. However; as with anything, there are better anomalies than not. What are you favorite or least favorite anomalies and why?

Favorite: All cards are golden, but cannot be tripled.
This one is fun and gets pretty nuts, pretty quick!

Worst: All players start at Tavern tier 2 (Literally boring and doesn’t change how the game is played almost at all)

Close 2nd for worst: All players start with lowered health, but heal when another player dies. I can see how this might seem exciting on paper, but in practice, it feels like a straight up match nerf and generally I usually concede these instantly because they don’t feel fun at all to me.

It’s flavor, I agree, but I don’t think :poop: flavor is helpful, which is what anomalies are.

No. Just no. They close off heroes and playstyles immediately and I can’t see how that’s more interesting than a wide open tavern.

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Fair that you don’t like anomalies. I prefer the randomness it adds. As for closing off heroes and play styles, I disagree. There have been plenty of matches that I can still use typical strategies, but it honestly depends on the anomaly.

Given some players don’t like them at all, I’d love to see an option to do BG with or without to appeal to everyone. But I’d be interested to see if there’s a population dip in one side vs. the other as maybe more players like the classic BG more, or less etc…

And now we will get anomalies also in standard. Some players will always hate randomness and some like it. We will certainly see lot of complaining for the rest of the expansion.

how good the rest of the lobby is.

Turn 14 is a long BG at 8k+.

Nearly every lobby is 1v1 by turn 12 or sooner.

If your hero can’t exploit the conditions of your lobby, you are dead.

But it isn’t random. There are right and wrong strats for each lobby.

Only random is did you get the right hero and did you see the right minions… but the pool of winnable routes is made smaller by the addition of more conditions to the lobby.

Quests are the same - your quest tells you the best way to play or you’re doing it wrong. They don’t add random, they take it away.

They added nothing that you didn’t have before…The devs at blizzard are just refurbishing old mechanics. Cuz probably they are either out of ideeas or out of budget for this garbo game.

I think we need an option made available that would enable us to choose whether we play battlegrounds vanilla or with the added ‘flavor’.


I’m not a fan of the anomalies. They were neat at first like I figured, but it never feels like you have a grasp on the meta ever. This was my feeling with Quests and I thought it couldn’t get worse but here we are.

If I had to choose a favorite, it would be the T7 lobbies. They have the closest BG experience there is, and I feel I have a grasp on what I need to do every time. If I were to sift through the available anomalies, I’d probably find a couple more I’m okay with, but the game is already random enough. I play semi-serious, so I’m not worried about my MMR. However, I certainly would like to feel I don’t need to high roll my minions or my hero to have a decent experience.

Not to mention Banana Slamma builds and Undead need some tweaking.

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I really, really like the one where it tiers for you and everyone goes up on the same schedule. It really feels like a level field for the game and minion choices are the only thing that matters.

I played this recently, and I felt unless you got lucky, you either play Beasts/Undead or lose if they are in the lobby because no money is going towards tiers thus more rolls and chances for grabbing a slamma or token buffs. So, stats don’t really have a place unless games last longer than turn 12/13.

It just adds random on top of an already random themed game mode. It would be fine if they were optional but to jam this mode down every BG player’s throat was a very bad decision. Do not take my word for it, look at how many players quit before the game starts with some of the anomalies. (like each turn starts with 12 health) 1 person quitting a match before it starts was fairly normal, I see 2-3 now quite often depending on the anomaly.

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