BG Duo Feedback

I really like the concept of BG Duo.

The ability to communicate with the checks and X etc works well with a player of an IQ higher than 4.

Three main issues are repeating:

  1. If my team member leaves there should be a bot or something that takes their place instead of just stoping me from losing any battle rating. If I am less than hald way through I am not interested in grinding to a sure death. A voting system of some sort should be able to be put in to flag players than abandon games so they can all play with eachother but not the people who want to enjoy a full game to the bitter end.

  2. When I do come across a good player I want to send them a friend request but their tag is never in the list, only the opponents. Having your teammate on the list of recents is a QoL update that is needed.

  3. It would also be nice to add into the voting system players that refuse to actually help their teammate. Going through a whole game where a player ignores suggestions and never trades is a long painful journey.

Anyway. My two cents. Thanks for making and updating a game I have loved playing for years.


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The team mate’s name is in your list at the start of the game when hero selection is still occurring, and I think before the first combat phase starts too. Might need correcting on that tho. Look closely at the list of “recent opponents” and one of them doesnt say opponent on their name. Just be quick to notice your team mate’s name to single it out quickly. and you can indeed send a friend request right away.

My issue is it doesnt change anything because so far no one at all has confirmed the add until long after the match in question has been over. days even. I dont get any type of popup in game when i get them either, I only notice them once Ive exited back out to the launcher app and see the little notification within that application. I imagine its been a similar experience for those I’ve attempted to add at the start of a duos match

I guess I can snipe a friend invite in the beginning and just delete them if they turn out to be hot garbage. cheers.