BG Beasts are out of hand

I know that Demon and Beasts needed some help in the meta but good lord the economy the 2-6 T3 demon creates and everything about the beasts is just ridiculous. Lost a game yesterday where my opponent finished with a Macaw that had 6k health and attack.

Just played a lobby where 6 of the players went beasts meta and still managed to smoke the 2 of us who did not.


Same here, Frogger is way out of balance.


Yes, I just finished 4th in a match, the top 3 were beast, as normal, and his Macaw was around 2600 attack and health. It is basically beasts, or demons, or you better get very lucky. I also agree that they needed the boost, but not like this.

When someone learns to drive they are taught not to overcorrect because otherwise you will cause an accident. Not so sure blizzard has learned how not to overcorrect. Love the game overall, but have yet to see anything get close to a balance. Hope some day it does.

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It is almost as if they don’t have play testers or QA.