Best way to start playing HS? Catch-Up Packs, Refer a Friend


This question isn’t actually for me but for a friend who has been wanting to get into Hearthstone. His more a F2P player, so I want to give him the best possible start, to get as many free packs as possible.

  1. He doesnt remember but thinks he might have played HS (once 8 years ago or so). I remember reading that HS gives you a lot of free packs to get started, is the promotion for new or returning players still active (any knows what you actually get; is it current expansion packs or standard packs)?
  2. These new “Catch-Up Packs” seem like a great way to get started as well. From what I read there will be several ways to get some of them for free once the expansion launches. Does it make sense to wait for the Badlands expansion to launch before starting to play (to earn/get some catch-up packs and maybe they will include some to new/returning players as well)?
  3. As I mentioned earlier, I am not sure if he played before but if he didnt (or did on a different account) does it make sense to do “HS refer a friend”? Like it wont screw up him getting HS new/return player bundles or what not.

Biggest question is does it make sense to wait till the expansion launches to start playing and if there are any other tips I can give him to get the best possible start (with the most free packs) I would appreciate any information.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this message. All best!


See if he can find his old account, and if there’s a bunch of stuff waiting for him.

If not, wait to buy the catch up packs until other people start talking about their drops from them.

Never be the first one through the door on something like this: the only one who benefits is actiblizz’s bottom line. Just as the people who bought classic packs, the triple mercstone pre order, and so on.

Big yes here. The whole meta is about to shift in about less than a week, so crafting and learning a deck will change. While it might be worthwhile to check out the new expansion and see what type of deck(s), and class might interest him, as well as maybe watch some videos from some good theorycrafters on some good tips on which classes and decks will be fun to play (good and fun are not always synonymous), actually jumping in right now may not be the best idea.

If possible spend as little as possible, go full f2p: spending money on this game is a trap that should be avoided at all costs (no pun intended).

There’s no harm in trying both. If the old account is low level enough (below 20) it would still qualify for Refer a Friend; if not, open a new one and just compare the two before investing much in either one.

Now’s not a good time to start Standard; wait until the 14th for that; but it’s always a good time to mess around against the Innkeeper, Adventures, Tavern Brawl, Battlegrounds, or even Mercenaries. They can learn the mechanics and keywords before jumping into the more competitive pvp mode.

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It’s going to be a min before the meta adjust for the new set. If he wants to get the catchup packs then do it, but I would atleast have him look at the tier one decks to see the current meta because in standard he will most likely still face them and they still may be the dominate decks even after the upcoming expansion.

Hi there how the free decks works is he wil get a choice of alot of decks and he can pick one that he likes this is the best thing they have done for returnin players he can compete in the meta :slight_smile:

The rewards track i believe wil give him 3 free legendaries and tons of goodies :slight_smile:

Here is a link that tells you all about catchup packs :slight_smile:

I’m trying to assess how much this actually enables the f2p player to catch up, because I myself haven’t played any of the current standard sets. I had initially imagined that these would be purchasable with gold, however I am pretty sure now that it’s not the case. All of the information I can find on this is that there will be an event that can grant 5 and another 2 for free on logging in. So it is not a full catch up, but on top of the starter deck I imagine it will get you going, maybe like 200 rares and all of the commons.

Just make sure he doesn’t start dusting off cards, in any other game it would probably be the best approach. Though Hearthstone has a habit of nerfing about 50 decks a year to an unplayable state and you only get compensated about 10-20% of the cost of the deck. The best approach would be to find the best deck that doesn’t require a single legendary and then play that deck and probably don’t even disenchant to try and craft the epics, just play that deck in an unfinished state. Once you have unpacked all of the rares you are caught up and then you can start dusting off duplicate rares for epics.

Actually for me I have the 2022 sets from the year of the hydra, so I also should potentially hoard these packs until those sets drop off. I think that would happen in February next year if I am not mistaken. So I will probably even just use my dust to craft up a wild deck that doesn’t require any of the newer cards. Otherwise if I unpacked them now I think that I’d get about half as many cards.


No matter what anyone says, it’s always a bad idea here. The ROI isn’t worth it, by design.


Well I’ve played other games with similar ROI where making such a trade is definitely worth while, but in those types of games there are far fewer balance updates and synergies in hearthstone are also so large that it’s not often about the individual cards power level that makes it playable, but rather any new cards for that synergy can push the card into viability. Also another factor is that largely most of the legendary and epic cards you have are going to be randomly unpacked ones so even if you hate a certain deck type as f2p your best choice is often just to play it anyway. Also the pool of playable cards is incredibly small too and especially when it drops down to 4 sets, you don’t have much choice but to play most of the cards that you have.


Don’t waste your money. This game will destroy your spirit and make you consider mass genocide.

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If you are a true friend of his with his best interest in mind, try to convince him to stay away from this game.

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