Best decks vs bot/mech rogue

Since blizzard doesn’t want to ban bots, lets advertise easy counter decks for the last day. Your opinion?

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I have nothing constructive to add, but I do think it’s hilarious that the mechs are piloted by bots. It’s perfect.


I ran into a lot of them them through to legend. This was the deck I was playing. I didn’t find them to annoying to deal with.


Keep in mind though, once the expansion hits, half of the cards are rotating to wild.

This isn’t true; they ban bots.

This isn’t true; they claim to ban bots but don’t.


They ban every bot they can find, except for their own bots of course. Hearthstone bots are the ones with names like MauveBadger and BlueWhale.

Again this is false. They claim to ban bots but they don’t.

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How do you know this?

Idk if that is true or not but they do say they ban all these bots but then I see the same bots so idk if they just missed them somehow or they get up and running immediately after ban or if, as the other person said, they don’t actually ban much of anything but say they do to give the illusion they’re doing something about it.

It seems unreasonable to me to contend that they are doing nothing, lying, or don’t care.

I don’t understand how people could even think this.

Been replaced by the zug zug level skill deck known as Pirate Rogue. Best of luck.

They are definitely banning accounts. Over one thousand per day, on average. For the most part you’re just making stuff up.

Now, what concerns me is whether or not those accounts are before or after the end of the bot life cycle. The point of a bot is to farm gold in Ranked, then use gold to draft a godlike Arena deck (retiring any drafts that aren’t lucky enough), then sell it on the black market, then the buyer plays the Arena run, and then nothing, the account is done and disposable. If Blizzard is banning a bot account before it finishes the Arena run, or even better before it is sold, then they are making an impact. But Blizzard could ban a hundred thousand bot accounts that have already completed their Arena run and it wouldn’t matter a single bit. It’d be the equivalent of bringing a rifle to the cemetery, firing into the ground and counting them as kills. I worry that Blizzard is mostly banning accounts that are already dead.

It’s arguable that going to all that effort, to have no real effect on the problem, just so you can say number go up when you do a banwave report… that might be worse than doing nothing. I mean, if the 1012 accounts they ban tomorrow are 1000 bot accounts that have already finished the Arena run, 10 that haven’t, and 2 innocent players who weren’t botting at all, then that’s not going to provide significant disincentive to botters, it’s going to wreck the day of a couple innocent players, and it’s going to waste a lot of resources at Blizzard that could be better spent elsewhere.

I made a fairly fun freeze mage deck that counters mech rogue. It has like 95% winrate against them. All legendaries in the deck except Varden Dawngrasp can be replaced for more card draw. If you replace infinitize the maxitude, place other resource generator, the deck lacks resources when facing normal decks. Sleet Skater is the star of the deck, that does countering magic. Because these bots prefer to stuck all the magnetizing minions on one target. Sometimes i get to 80 armour on this deck. Maybe we can place brann in there as well.


Class: Mage

Format: Wild

1x (1) Snap Freeze

2x (2) Amplified Snowflurry

2x (2) Cryopreservation

2x (2) Frozen Touch

1x (2) Infinitize the Maxitude

1x (2) Khadgar

2x (2) Kobold Miner

1x (3) Conjurer’s Calling

2x (3) Frost Nova

2x (3) Frostweave Dungeoneer

2x (3) Ice Barrier

1x (3) Ice Block

2x (3) Nightcloak Sanctum

1x (3) Prince Renathal

1x (3) Reverberations

2x (3) Shattering Blast

1x (3) Solid Alibi

2x (4) Cold Case

1x (4) Commander Sivara

1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager

1x (3) Solid Alibi

1x (4) Volume Up

1x (9) Frost Lich Jaina

1x (4) Varden Dawngrasp

1x (4) Volume Up

2x (4) Watercolor Artist

1x (5) Burrow Buster

2x (5) Sleet Skater

2x (6) Blizzard

1x (6) Mes’Adune the Fractured


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

why would people want to make this arena run anyways? especially if it’s on an account they can’t use/will end up getting banned

I think it is some kind of farms for selling these accounts with a bunch of gold/xp later

but if the account gets banned later on how would they be able to use it

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The bans aren’t permanent (some of these accounts have been banned/name changed several times, you can see via the #

some are banned some are not + you have time to sell the account before it is banned