Best brawl ever

I do wish people making decks were required to use at least 10 new cards. I’ve gone up against so many people with zero new cards just running meta decks. It’s boring seeing the same things over and over.

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Some pieces never get used at all. When’s the last time you seen anyone use the 1 cost 1/1 deathrattle shuffle? Literally never. How about we buff those versions and nerf the over used stuff.

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Is there a list somewhere of what is or isn’t allowed? First I’m hearing of this; havent tried it yet

Basically, only cards from THIS year are allowed and the core cards.

Nothing from last year.


I didn’t realize this isn’t a heroic brawl with the typical astronomical entrance fee.

I just ran my first brawl, went 6-2 with a homebrew Shaffer rogue.

I see what everyone is saying, the power level definitely seems muted. I quite like it. I play Shaffer rogue both in standard in my homebrew in brawl and the difference in power is astounding, in the brawl I get like 9/8 minions usually at most, but in standard I get minions that break 100 health and attack combined.

Not to mention the entire mech package is gone now.

I’m any case, it definitely seems like people have to play more shrewdly to win and resources feel more limited. Perhaps that’s why I find winning so much easier in the brawl than in standard where I periodically get high rolled.

Anyhow if anyone is interested I can post my list, it actually doesn’t run any new cards.

My only losses where to a taunt warrior that dropped an unkillax like turn 5 or 6, then resurrected the thing with the legendary, basically impossible to kill with board damage. The only other loss was against a dk who got a perfect curve and a series of highrolls. Other than that this deck performed well.

I think my next try might be a robocaller rogue homebrew but I’m going to have to look at the set.

I want to experiment with the quasar rogue, but I don’t see any payoffs. I think it’s possible it could fit a Shaffer package but I dunno. Not sure I want to waste two tickets on a prototype that tanks.

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Shame standard is complete trash.

I’d like them to nerf it by splitting some of the effects to different pieces.

Make certain combinations impossible… like divine shield, lifesteal, reborn, taunt, and elusive on the same unit shouldn’t be possible… that’s just stupid.

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I am strongly agree… these stuff were a huge mistake to create by the developers… it has killed all the fun basically… Boards cannot be manipulated like this in such a game… this leads to the death of the game… just like deck destroy… (Yes, I am looking at both of you Brann and Boomboss…)

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Put in some tech cards into your deck… Royal Librarian is in the core. I use him to silence Unkilliax. Anyway… Warrior is just 1 class… there are plenty others you need to defeat to win enough. The brawl is much more fun now than the whole game was in the last year in my opinion.

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i can’t get the mage draenei package to work very well. just gets stomped too much or i make mistakes and lose. i dunno seems pretty high skill maybe.

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Sooooo Lucky Comet, is an INSANE card to run in Shaffar rogue. It not only triples your bucaneers, but with very high probability gives you ANOTHER bucaneer from the discover!

I currently only have 1 of it, but as soon as I get 2 I’m running both.

It will take some time until new meta decks will form, maybe need some more practise too. Try to experiment. :wink:

The unkillax warrior is really starting to be a problem. No one wants another unkillax meta for the love of God.


Agree, Virus Modul should be removed completely finally…

They really screwed up with the design of Zilliax.

Too many effects that are issues for such cheap mana. Wouldn’t even be a problem if it wasn’t able to get mana cheated out over and over again.


Everything is on purpose. Do you seriously believe those people when they said A YEAR after Badlands Reno was released that “we now realize it was OP”?

They know very clearly they do OP releases; they want to YO-YO players between OP and nerfed stuff to keep it “exciting”; I think it’s self-harming them.

I mean they messed up the design aspect. For example, no one uses the 1 mana module. And they dont use it because the design of the others is so off.

You can make it powerful, but design wise they put all the eggs into the mana basket and then the mana cheating outside of zilliax abused it.

They should have made the modules the same cost and everything equal in power.

Lifesteal being in 1 module pretty much pigeon holes all late game decks to force use that module by default.


Perhaps, but I don’t know if it’s possible to make something elegant and balanced like that, and still have OP stuff in the game as they seem to want to have OP stuff in the game; maybe whatever has to be OP has to be also breaking stuff by necessity; and one of those examples might be what you’re describing there.

Changed my mind about the brawl. it WAS fun until Handbuff DK and Mech warrior flooded everything… I am glad I played as early as possible… got 31 packs for my tickets. Thats enough.


It still good. People are the ones who have to know when to stop.

Already stopped too.