Being given losing mulligan/draw?

Is there a point to why the game will sometimes give you an auto-lose mulligan and/or draw despite any “skill” on the player’s part via making correct decisions and deckbuilding? I’m trying to think of if there is any reason for this to happen. And do you think it is still fun game to play despite it having the ability to determine randomly decide “you win” or “you lose”? For me I enjoy the game when there is a fair chance for both sides especially with “skill” involved, but then it can also simply decide “you win” or “you lose” because of how the game is set up and then I think, what am I even doing, why am I even playing, and then I thank god I don’t spend money on the game. Then again, maybe that is part of the problem and why it decides against me so relatively often? But that is just speculation. Maybe the people who spend money on the game can chime in and say that this same experience I wrote about also happens to you, and the frequency? Thoughts? Thank you :slight_smile:

It is a card game. Sometimes you get a good mulligan sometimes a bad one. That’s normal.

Also a skilled player can deal with a bad mulligan and still win.

Not really, I mean yes, sorta, but not really. I’m talking about times where no amount of “skill” matters and the game simply decides “you win” or “you lose”

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That is a conspiracy theory.

I understand you might think this way if you haven’t played enough Hearthstone, it’s okay

Don’t even try to bait me. I have other things to do now.

if it really is rigged, why keep playing?

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Same reason addicts continue doing whatever their addiction is

Sorry you feel it is bait, I only speak the truth :man_shrugging:

Wanna know why it’s unlikely? It’s WAAAAYYYYY too much work to set up a system that you are proposing versus just accepting that random is just that. Random.

Getting your top 4 curve cards 2x in a row is unlikely, but not impossible. And your can get it 10x in a row, it is still random over a large sample size.

If you wanna be frustrated, focus on bad design choices, not how you draw from a deck of cards.

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Are you trying to reward greedy deck building??

Challenge. Why do some games come with impossible / deity difficulty? Beating the game itself is more than beating just the opponent.

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Whenever I make this sort of post, I get a lot of people who say a bunch of things that I am NOT talking about. I understand Random, and Probability, I am talking about far beyond the expected chances of such a thing when the mulligan/draw decides you win or lose. Nor is it about greedy deck building, I am speaking of a well built deck. Nor is it about skill, I am talking about making all of the proper skill based choices and still losing because mulligan/draw said so (again, far beyond the norm)

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ya… you keep saying that word but I dont think you know what that words mean.

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It’s just bad games

I’ve opened up a lowrolling thread a few days ago because I’ve been getting those mulligans for 2 weeks straight

But it just stops happening normally before that mark xD

A player with skill could probably find a way to win despite a bad starting hand

You can’t expect this every game. Sometimes you’re mulligan may be bad while your opponent’s won’t, for example.


No. It’s a stupid conspiracy theory made by those who can’t stand a loss nor can fathom bad odds in their favor, even extreme ones.

A lot of effort going into conspiracy theory posts on these forums seem even more of a waste of time than still playing a game you claim is rigged against you, poor poor f2p user.

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It’s not actually hard, you just have delusions of grandeur. “Oh it’s so hard but I’m almost breaking even because I’m so good” no you aren’t

Incidentally true. I am better.

Twenty characters.

what if it’s rigged by God
or the devil

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God’s Will Will Always Be Done Before The Devil Will Won Nation Under God Indivincible One Treasure Nicolas Cage Hallelujah Amen :pray:

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