Been fun playing Hearthstone

I’m tired of this game making me angry. I do not know what it is that I’m not seeing in bg’s. No matter what I do or where I go for advice I’m not seeing what it is others must be.

Been playing since day 1 but after this bg’s season is turning out to be the hardest to progress through and no matter how many youtube videos I watch or how many times I come here asking for help I just get no where. I’m done playing this stupid game because bg’s were the only reason I kept playing other than to complete daily/weekly quests which take no time at all really.

It has seemed to me since like at least a year or two ago the game started to become play the game for the aspect of collect this or that and I don’t have the skills to be elite so it’s come down to the reason I quit WoW. No reason to play only just to collect pets or mounts, or battleground hero skins or new card backs.

The game was fun in the early days as it was new and then when they released bg’s that was something that was new and kept the game interesting for a while, but I keep having too many days like today. Placed 2nd, 7th, 2nd, 7th, 8th in bg’s today. And what I will never understand is how the hell is 8th even possible? I can’t suck that bad do I? But if I do then do I want to just sit here for the next 6 months going between 6000 and 6500 with no point since the quest rewards track takes 6 weeks and apparently 7000 is impossible unless you’re actually good but don’t have a lot of time like the 10,000+ players do?

I don’t get the point of mercenaries even though I devote a half hour a day to it.

I have never liked arena, or duels. Solo adventures were only for acquiring cards, same as tavern brawl, and regular old hearthstone is fun at times but has seemingly had no real new important additions. I guess once you have 15 expansions to play with in wild does 1 more make much difference? DK’s and DH are just too new to keep up with the other classes in wild and if you play standard they have left cards in that mode that were the beginning of the end of hearthstone like Reno Jackson. When they started adding cards where your opponent could pull something out of their butt to stay alive then the game began dying. It’s just been an arms race ever since.

Tell me I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am. Only real problem being that I don’t have much of a list of other games to play since gaming hasn’t been new in 20 years. Just another MMO, or FPS. The late 90’s when all these new genres were being invented was a good time to be a gamer.


bg is apm heavy play, you get best rolls if you get first dibs

there a limit of each minion per tier…while fast roll is needed it can screw ya over if reroll refresh too fast

the deeper you go in the fierciest apm players are there…basicly you gonna hit a wall at some point…even if you were say a good strategist but have poor/average reaction speed…i reached legend 10 at some point in ranked but bg… i’am outclass in apm speed…6500 is about what i average in bg due to lack of apm ability :S

honestly i could not tell if your a good players not knowing how well u fare in ranked nor have i seen your apm speed

Dude, I understand how you are angry … but how is Reno Jackson a problem card? lmao

The card is literally unplayable in Standard and in Wild, Reno decks are meh, compared to the other wild decks.

Also BG is pretty okay right now, since the last patch. They can still adjust some things there but the mode is pretty okay.

Standard is boring af with 3 braincell paladin decks all over again but what can you do. At least, it’s somewhat playable.

There’s no such thing as right or wrong. Each has the right to quit the game for whatever reason he or she wants. Some quit because of bugs, other because of imbalances, others because of bots, the list can go on. And no, you don’t owe anyone any explanation. You only owe yourself to play games you enjoy. The same goes for relationships, you owe yourself to date whoever you consider right for you.

Well, congratulations for the nine years of your life thrown away. Do the accounts of the time you spent on this crap, and everything you could have done, the money you could have earned, and the experiences you could have lived.

Wild is about those 15 expansion. Standard is about that 1 new expansion.

Sunk cost fallacy is another term for what you’re describing.

There’s a line from the old song that says “know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em…know when to walk away, know when to run.”

If someone truly believes leaving this clown fiesta is the best move fo them, then that’s their choice. Denying a company that refuses to listen to player feedback the metrics over and above any money is truly the only way they will get the point.

Letting the company know matters. And in spite of the mockery the pro company crowd makes of op’s such as these (not saying anyone here has done it so far) players making their reasons for leaving matters. Especially long time ones.

Yes u can, but…

The problem with BG today is that:

1- There is an abyss on tier 4, most pieces at this tier are just bad, if ur game is not looking good when u reach 4 u lose.
2- U just have to bet and pray, since there is no extra mechanic like the quests or the buddies the game is just about reaching the high tiers and just have luck.
3- U are never compensated for leveling up, some tier 6 minions like zapp or ghastcoiler are just too weak for the late game which makes your late game triples be another bet.
4- Heroes are unbalanced on purpose, otherwise they couldnt profit from the battlepass.

I am with you, I play with a friend but done paying them for the Privledge of playing a game I do not like the direction its headed!

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