Been a fun yet extremely frustrating 9 years

Blizzard you don’t really care about Hearthstone anymore. This is evidenced by bugs that don’t get fixed anymore.

I started playing as it seemed like a fun new game Dec of 2014. I have probably spent $7000 to have a ton of fun but also get extremely frustrated time and time again. Today was the 3rd time in the past 2 years where I feel like quitting.

This has been because I ask myself why I play Mercenaries as it seemed like a mode without a point.

This has been because original hearthstone, the card game mode of the original game, has been completely destroyed by your brainless additions of cards like Reno Jackson, Mecha’Thun, Awaken the Makers, etc. To new players in 2014/15 this game wasn’t I draw 1 card and I win. The best you could do was play Lock and throw down defender of argus with 2 molten giants, but that wasn’t as guarenteed a win as some of the new cards that have come out in the past 3-5 years. The minute those type of cards started being added was when the game started to be less fun. So it has been collect new cards, play the same old decks, and lose badly when someone plays Uther as a pally and in the next turn use their hero power 4 times and insta win whether they were actually winning prior to those 2 turns or not.

This has been because battlegrounds I swear is a broken mode despite what people will tell me here. 1) it doesn’t actually matter what ultimately happens in a match, but when every season I get to about 6500 MMR and then run into a losing streak where even if I had the perfect game I would still come in 5th you have to wonder. 2) all the mode has become is collect pretty new shinies in the form of hero skins, boards, and bartenders. I realize I’m back to World of Warcraft 2014-2017 when it took me 3 years to realize I wasn’t actually enjoying the game anymore, just the collecting aspect.

The other modes to me just seem stupid and not worth my time.

But don’t get me wrong I really love playing Hearthstone, but I’m done getting stomped and losing badly regardless what deck I bring to the match or regardless what I do in bg’s because I evidently don’t see what some others do.

This is the last pvp game I will ever play. Didn’t like FPS 20 years ago. Didn’t like RTS 15 years ago. Didn’t like WoW pvp 10 years ago. So I guess add auto battler / collectible card game to that list.


Honestly, $7000 for 1 game is a terrible deal regardless of how many hours of fun you get out of it. Paying $7000 for a game you don’t even enjoy anymore when there’s lots of fun games out there you could be playing is an even worse deal. I agree with your decision to move on, I think it’s long overdue.

Wait, you’re giving up on the genre as a whole because of hearthstone? That makes no sense, most ccgs (digital or physical) are so much better.

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When you play this game for 9 years you tend to spend at least something. $80 for every expansion. $15 for a battlegrounds season now. Getting sucked into Mercenaries which is the only mode I wonder daily why I played it at all, but unless you don’t care to buy any mercs and just collect them organically which would probably take 20 years you’re going to spend money. You might do as I did and buy some cosmetic things over the years. Not to mention despite only paying $80 for an expansion who wants to not have all the cards for said expansion pretty much right away so you can get the full experience? Today in wild you could make the argument that outside of a few select cards there isn’t a need to have almost anything, but back in 2015 when not having a full expansion meant you had significantly less cards because there were only 2 expansions out…

I have only played Hearthstone in this genre, but I played at least 10 FPS games and they were always fun to the extent that you didn’t get killed over and over and over by the elite player. Same with MMO PvP. I played 2 of those games and I loved PvE, but PvP was a get owned mode which was not fun at all so I stayed away from PvP almost completely. As for RTS I played a few games in that genre too. Starcraft, Warcraft, Dune, a couple of RTS games on the PS2. If it was me playing story mode it was mostly fun, but PvP nope. I don’t even know if I ever won a PvP RTS game. So unless the logic doesn’t hold it would seem to me that collectible card games and auto battlers are you vs someone else who is likely better than you, which makes for aggravating game play ESPECIALLY in this genre whereas unlike the other genres this one sort of requires that you are able to win sometimes or you are even more likely to need to spend even more money because you couldn’t win a lot and earn lots of gold or other rewards for being elite.

For me if I was going to play HS casually wouldn’t be any point in playing it at all as you would have basically starter cards only. I suppose you could play bg’s casually. I just get annoyed AF when as I’ve said in other posts bg’s seems to be about collecting crap while playing a mode that will be easy mode for about a month and then once you cross a threshold you no longer have fun because you get stomped over and over and over. So why play this game?

Case in point. We are on July 4th now and in wild I am literally at bronze 8 despite having played like 15 games this month. Usually it’s not this bad, but yeah. So far this month whatever deck I play I get the opponent who has the perfect counter to what I’m playing. If I play zerg dk I get an opponent who can hold me off long enough to play their insta win card. If I play insta win deck the gimmick doesn’t work for me. If I play mid game I get zerged. If I go spell hunter quest my opponent is mage with like 10 counter spells.

It just gets old losing in this game and feels like despite how fun it can be I’m just beating my head against a wall as opposed to say a game like Diablo where you don’t lose because you equipped a sword, but all the trash is immune to swords.

When years pass without simple bugs being addressed that’s a sign to stop spending on the game. If the devs show signs that they no longer care about the quality of the product that they produce, it’s time for players stop spending. Don’t support shabby work.

This ^ was my assessment of Mercenaries after thoroughly exploring the mode for a month. I did a lot to warn other players to not go down this road. Mercenaries has landed exactly where I predicted it would.

Mercenaries was not a bad concept, but it was very poorly designed and executed.

I will point out that as bad of a state that Hearthstone is in right now, no other company is doing a better job with a similar digital ccg for a reasonable price point, because if any game was better, we would not be here complaining about HS, because we would be too busy playing that better game.

HS is in need of a significant overhaul and a new vision for keeping it from going off the rails again so quickly. Or maybe some other game will come along and do it better.

If HS does not start doing a better job over the next two years, the game will hemorrhage so many players that doors will open for other games to come take Hearthstone’s place in the market.

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