Battleworn Faceless Nerf

So… you turned this card… into a worse version of bloodsworn mercenary… literally. At least with bloodsworn you can summon multiples with brann… there is no benefit to this card you can’t even buff it. So… are ya gonna fix it?

They just did, lol…

How is it fixed?… they increased mana to use the card making it the same cost as bloodsworn, which bloodsworn already see’s no play and hasn’t for years (except maybe some standard (or twist which is dead already lol) pain warrior decks, Idk I don’t pay much attention to standard), except now, this card, is worse. The only minor justification is being an auto include for pain highlander…. Which…. Is a maybe? At best? Otherwise they printed a useless card and were better off deleting it rather than leaving evidence of another killed card due to poor planning or lack of willingness to adjust the games balance to allow people to play the cards they’ve grown to enjoy. I don’t even care about this card but this trend is just getting old. If your going to effectively delete a cards’ usefulness at least try to change into something that is still somewhat fun, instead of nerfing it into oblivion and then putting on a blindfold pretending you didn’t just commit card homicide. Dust refunds don’t always make up for it, either.

I quote this because it is indicative of your entire comment. 90% (or whatever massive % you choose) of hearthstone cards are “useless”. Except…they’re not. Even crap like silverback patriarch eventually found a use in that 2 mana card which can summon 3 of them total. Even cards which are worse or bad can and are used, because Hearthstone is a game about making the best of what you’ve got. And even specific to the card you are talking about is not useless, not even close. Heck I’m sure it could be a 1/1 and it would still be played. It just wouldn’t be as good. And so then over time it joins the other 90% of “useless” cards in the game. But you don’t talk about any of those. Because it’s normal. You’re just experiencing grief.

That’s not really what happens
You are not putting silverback patriarch in your deck
You are just playing a 2 mana spell that summons a 1/4 taunt beast, 3 times, that costs 3 if you have to replay it from your hand. That doesn’t make a vanilla 3-mana 1/4 taunt beast good
They could have chosen another card to be summoned from that spell with the same stats

it could be a 0/1, the stats don’t matter when the minion transforms when played

Other than the card becomeing arguably bad, OP raised the point that the card became a worse reprint of an already existing card for that class

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better not worse
this one can be used to copy opponent cards

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didn’t notice that so ok not worse, my point doesn’t stand
I still won’t call it better since the card doesn’t leave an additionnal body and doesn’t give benefits with multi-battlecry effects, just a different minion I admit it

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But that is really what happens? lol

If you are putting that spell in your deck, you are putting in silverback patriarch into your deck, 3 times, with 1 card, which, funny enough, makes the card somewhat good, depending

Exactly. Aka, silverback patriarch

I mean, the card (the 2 mana spell) can see play and has use/merit, can even be built around for fun. But you’re right in proving my point that about power level, I appreciate it.

Beggars can’t be choosers. Hearthstone is not a game where you always get everything you want

With that logic, since pen flinger was basically a multiple elven archer, when pen flinger was top meta then elven archer was top meta

Janalai is a straight up better Ragnaros as long as you fulfill the condition
Does it make Ragnaros better on itself in a deck that fulfills Janalai’s requirements ? No, it’s still the same card

It’s not because you print a card that re-uses other card that it changes the power-level of the original card

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