Battlegrounds: Unplayable anomalies ruin the game

With the launch of this bg season, anomalies have been a ton of fun… maybe 10% of the time.

It takes me maybe 10-20 minutes to find a game due to 3 primary factors:
1: 2+ players instantly conceding. Most commonly due to the anomaly of the game, but otherwise due to their hero choices.
2: 2+ players instantly “dcing”, essentially a concede.
3: Extreme un-fun/boring anomalies like : Anti-Gravity Stadium, Might of Khaz-goroth, Fortitude of Khaz-goroth, Money Match, Nguyen’s Shifting Disks, Oops, All _!, Finicky Hourglass, False Idols, Grapnel of the Titans

I can’t for the life of me understand why the devs have put out such a large pool of anomalies with at least HALF being essentially “just concede and re-queue”

With the 3 put out today, who at blizzard thought it would be fun to start at 10 hp, and just regain 5 when someone dies, and that’s just it? that’s the anomaly? When anomalies like : The Golden Arena, Echoes of Argus, Secrets of Norgannon exist?

Who on the team didn’t just stop to ask: Would these powers just cause players to concede to get a more fun anomaly?

I have so much fun with maybe 5 of the powers. So much so, that I will sit here and concede for 5-10 min to attempt to get one. But it can take forever to get a lobby with a power you actually enjoy, and then 2-4 people concede/dc and then whats the point of playing?

There needs to be a max of maybe 8-12 powers in rotation at any given time. These are far from balanced on a fun/entertainment scale, and I know tons of people are just having to concede 10-30 games in-between each actual playable game because there’s just too many un-fun anomalies.

Hopefully I’m not shouting into the void here, but I wouldn’t be surprised. If there’s a better place to post criticism of the anomaly problem please let me know.


I think you’ve answered this - there isn’t one any longer.

Whatever the mode was, the last two patches have taken it in a completely different direction.

You either like it or you don’t, but that’s what bg is now.

so blaming people quitting on anomalies now because thats soemthing ive seen happening all the time before they were added

whats wrong with finicky hourglass ?

While I agree with you, mostly, I’d like to point out that A LOT of US have been doing this exact thing with hero’s, the whole time anyway.

Battlegrounds was a tournament game until these changes. Now its a carnival sideshow. The new cards are great but they changed the game too fast from its original design detering players.
Don’t reinvent the game rather enhance it. If you want a totally different experience then create a new game.
I feel for the designers being forced to come up with something new to justify their jobs but the vision on the company is missing. That would matter if Microsoft wasnt buying Blizzard. So … carry on and good work!

The whole game plan of Battlegrounds is doing the best with what you are given.

At least this time, Anomalies are universal for all players. So you are playing in a more level playing field than when Quests was a thing.