Battlegrounds trinkets are getting ridiculous

For such a large list of trinkets offered…both greater and lesser, why is it so common to see duplicated builds in battlegrounds now? I just got out of a game, where 6 people had the same exact builds, around the same exact trinkets…6 PEOPLE! There is no reason that people should be getting offered the same trinkets in a single game. Already bad enough fighting for minions from the same pool. I’d rather not have to change my build on turn 9, because you can’t stopping giving everybody the same trinkets…that lead to the same builds.

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trinquets is the worst update ever. Anomalys dont count. They were meme. Trinquets and the pool have a lot of problems. But well, some random guy will always have fun being in 8 place for 10 matches in a row :slight_smile:

Agreed, this tricker system was just stupid. While minions helps decided the game some what.

The trickers are basically the deciding factor of who will win or loose the battle. I had a crappy set and still came in 1st place due to getting the best trinkets and I even felt crappy cause I had no reason to even win. I literally just left the game on auto pilot while I watched YouTube on my other screen cause I could no loose with my combo.

While other games I get nothing that matches my tribe for trinkets and just concede for like 8 games straight cause it just keeps giving me garbage.

Honestly I’d rather them just get rid of these stupid side quest things each season and just change the line up for the tribes each season instead. That would be more interesting then hoping i get lucky with some side item.

Pretty sure they introduced trinkets because they were releasing Marin as a hero, just like how we had quests when they introduced the hero that does quests. We got Putricide the same time we got the undead tribe, and the quillboar hero that gets 4 gems form his power when we got that tribe, and Naga Lady that makes her first spellcraft permanent when naga were released, Darkmoon faire event when we got Ticketus, and so on.

I see the trinkets as nothing different than any other rollout of any other hero before it. I’d personally wish they wou;d update the coding of the trinket offers to keep tabs of which ones we were offered and we cannot be offered the same ones again until we;ve been offered all the others we havent seen yet first. Essentially dup protection against trinkets offered each match, guaranteeing we get a chance to see each trinket there is, because so far I’ve encountered maybe 9 or 10 of the how many? 25+ there are?

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