Battlegrounds: Tips

Frankly, I feel Naga are difficult until T5/6

If you’re trying to get HP online, just spend your money on getting minions initially.

Getting your Buddy isn’t a huge importance until mid-game (just my opinion), which should work out given you are focused on HP for the first couple rounds. The ball is nice if you have a decent board of Spellcraft minions. Dump everything on it and enjoy your perma stats.

I’m not a fan of Naga since they nerfed it when they came out. I wish they’d bring back the Naga that procs the Spellcrafts before combat, but that may still be OP.

I usually just try to scale in combat with any minions… but i always do better with the other spellcraft hero… although i really like azhara… Always end up making silly mistakes with her though, like chenvala. :sweat_smile:

scale in combat with any minions? I dont understand. Or at least, I dont think i do. Are you dismissing naga and just saying you scale any minions you want in combat? such as? (tier 1 to 4 turns 1 to 10/12ish).

also what do you mean like chenvala?

Edit: How in the holy [redacted] do I and every other person in the lobby have roughly the same level minions stats wise (20/20s and 30/30s and lower) well past 10g turn (tier 4, still about 3 turns from being able to upgrade to tier 5), and the following round I face someone with a full board of tier 5 and tier 6 minions, nothing lower than that, and 3 of them are golden… all of them but 2 are in their 100s for attack and 80s in hp…?

Sorry for my lazy english. I meant i dont play azhara and chenvala very well at all i get the tempo but am terrible at the late game part still.

The Queen can scale in combat with temp attack also - with Avenger Undead thingy tier 3. (i cant remember the name!) Was what i meant. I better let the gurus talk sorry for confusing you even more :sweat_smile:

Easier for the gurus to answer if you rem the heros… its quite rare that the whole lobby is highrolling usuallly is one or two peeps… or three… but what do i know ahhaa. But i feel that time of day is quite a biggish factor in how skilled the lobbys are… With the buddies now and damage so easy to get punished for small mistakes (which i make alot).

Harder for roaches at the moment definitely…
Im not trying to climb at all… for me if i can have 2 good games out of 8 where i make less mistakes me and my adhd are happy bunnies…

i miss sire :expressionless:

you are okay, I dont know the units by name either, I just describe what they do along with either stats or image content to convey what Im talking about. Like my Avatar used to be a minion, at least I think it used to be, havent seen it in some time. But I describe it as the Anderson Cooper card that gives an extra summon minion in battle. No idea its real name or what tier its from, I think it was a 2/2. Always saw it when someone was going Deathrattle Pirates build, or the not Groot Tree Hero, the taunt making one to give it more summoned taunters.

^^Card image for Reference

^^Who I’m referring to when I see this card.

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