Battlegrounds: the summon from hand mechanic

Does anyone else absolutely despise this mechanic? Murlocs in particular drive me nuts because there’s nothing I can do about massive minions in the opponent’s hand. I can’t stop the deathrattle that summons them, I can’t lower their stats, I can’t stop the tier 6 murloc from gaining hundreds of stats at the start of the turn. It feels like really poor design.

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It’s definitely pretty pesky with how much hand-buffing support the Murloc archetype has. With the right quest reward too it can be absolutely devastating, Especially if all your Venomous minions have already been wasted on the base board-state.

I despise the fact that matches are rigged af … when you can get a damn tribe card for 15 turns and no one else plays that tribe, its obviously rigged af … when you lose 99.9% chance of win against a person who never lost one time, its rigged for that person to WIN everything easily … and i had it happen to me 2 or 3 times, when i was literally indestructible i saw first hand how RNG can be rigged in my favor when every hit even impossible one happens , made me burst out laughing because i knew what ever i played and did i would win … and i did easily


Murlocs are easy to counter with Quilboars/Beasts. Also if lucky with pirates getting to tier 6 fast enough for the legendary card. Would make your minions have 1k-2k easy

Also if your wondering how they get so many cards is they use the undead taunt that when dioes triggers battlecries and they use the murloc that battlecries to choose a minion, that way if you have 2 of the murlocs you get 4 murlocs each time

Hearthstone is obviously manipulated. The whole game is a scam, a rigged money making machine.