Battlegrounds still require real currency?

I used to play BGs when you could still buy the pass with gold. I was wondering if they reverted it or if they’re still nickel and diming people.


nope still $$$ i dont even know why did you belive will ever be again up with gold? this is blizz man

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i just play it for free with 2 choices …isnt like im missing on card packs for not being able to choose between 4

I know it isn’t changing…but a guy can hope. If enough people like me took a hard stance and stopped playing, then maybe it would be reverted.

But no, I guess not enough people like me are out there to sway their shady corporate culture.

And how do you think they pay for all the extra stuff that goes into BG"s that they didn’t have previously? You can still play for free so not sure why you’re complaining about the battle pass when it’s mainly cosmetic.

Having double the options is far from “mainly cosmetic”. Far enough that I quit the game on the spot.


OH pls… I have the battle pass on Na and no battle pass on EU and I have the same level of rank in both.