[Battlegrounds] SOLO and DUO - Suggestions

Battleground - Suggestions

DUO - General : There should be “arrow” emoticons to show placement directions.

  • Beast :bird:
  • Demon :smiling_imp:
  • Dragon :dragon_face:
  • Elemental :dash:
  • Mech :mechanical_arm:
  • Undead :ghost:
  • Murloc :frog:
  • Pirate :skull_and_crossbones:
    It’s hard to see if a card is gold when there is a divine shield.
  • Huran : :boar:
    When there are a lot of blood gems, they should be stacked by 3, for example, with the possibility of unstacking them (for 3) :
    1 gem = 1 :drop_of_blood:
    2 gems = 1 + 1
    3 gems = 3
    4 gems = 3 + 1
    5 gems = 3 + 1 + 1
    6 gems = 3 + 3
    7 gems = 3 + 3 +1
    10 gems = 3 + 3 + 3 + 1 (4 clicks instead of 10)

It’s really annoying to click 15 times on 15 gems to place them and it also makes the hand unreadable when minions are also placed there.

  • Naga : :snake:
    It would be nice to be able to tell the difference between a minion in the hand and its spell (by a COLOR). You have to hover over it and when there are a lot of cards, it’s unreadable.
  • Chrono : :timer_clock:
    Around fight 14, when there are only 2 opponents left, the turn rope is almost instantaneous, it’s annoying.
  • Rope : :loud_sound:
    It would be nice if there was a sound signal when the countdown reaches 0.
  • Visual emotes : :left_speech_bubble:
    It would be nice to be able to disable them when a partner is heavy.
  • Portal : :arrows_counterclockwise:
    (I saw this request in another topic) = it would be nice to be able to close it. Sometimes our hand is full, we want to buy cards to make triplets and the partner bombards us with cards, forcing us to sell cards.

Stinks and does nothing more than give people a reason to pretend like they knew what they were doing. Instead of blaming the rigged game now they can blame their inept teammates.

So honestly do whatever you want with duos. No one is genuinely going to care about it unless they lose a game. At which point they care about everything so what you did did not matter anyway in terms of change.

So all of your suggestions are both useless and good at the same time. That sucks because you clearly put thought into it lol Not sure why. but you did.

Not really but I personally have never played on a phone and dont intend to as its beneath me lol. On PC its no problem at all. But if youre a mobile gamer maybe??? If so then yeah sure. Probably better to fix that visual error.

no, never. Hand an APM limitations for blood gems are there on purpose. If anything make more tavern spells with stacked gems in them if that’s what you want.

this once again seems like a mobile only thing because on PC this is absolutely no issue whatsoever.

good. It should be. In fact its too long already and you should be panicking and playing your rectum out when its last two. You were good enough to make top two. Prove that you actually belong there now.

it doesnt? I could swear it explodes the same way it does in regular hearthstone.

hey its cool that you proved exactly what I said earlier about duos being a place for people to just be mad at their partner rather than the game anymore lmao.

Yeah sure but again. Blaming your partner isn’t a thing you can do when there’s next to no communication that matters in the game because people are too scared of conflict or being told theyre wrong or that they suck.

I guarantee you took offense at what I said and I was even being pretty easy on you to be real here lol.

Sure. Close your portal. Forever. Just play solo.

I read.
I am not interested in debating your comments.

TL:DR - sooo I’m going to assume from that novel you’ve written; you’re just blowing a bunch of nonsense and trying to “counter-point” the OP.

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I wouldn’t either considering I’m right.

I prefer to ignore narcissistic trolls.

It frustrates and annoys them even more when we ignore them.

But we can still report them for trolling. :wink:

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