Battlegrounds Shop

Why do we never get items in the Battleground shop that can purchased with gold?

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Because it is popular. Blizzard wants to milk all the whales that buy the bells and whistles before they start dribbling stuff out for gold later, which is basically just there to steal 5k gold a pop so you can’t buy more packs with grinded gold and stay relevant, thus having to buy real money pre-sale ‘deals’.

TL;DR They want your wallet.

Because the mode itself requires nothing at all to play it to its fullest. The things for it in the shop are all cosmetic only. These are exactly the kind of thing one should be spending actual money on to support to game mode if you get value out of it like several dozens or hundreds of hours of entertainment time.

Because they want to push runestones (the failed currency system from HoTS).

And because they love predatory monetization and microtransactions more than anything, except money of course.

Why is everyone forgetting the 2 extra heroes. It’s extremely important in BGs, because there is absolutely NO BALANCE on heroes by design; some heroes are absolutely terrible; some heroes are absolutely better.

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Those being honest about the p2w aren’t. Everyone else is making lame excuses or denying it’s p2w altogether.

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To be perfectly fair: while it is pay2win: it’s not necessarily bad, in the sense that “you could be completely BANNED playing without a subscription so be happy you are even allowed to play”,

or at least it’s controversial; it’s would be like World of Warcraft being completely free with handicaps if you don’t pay; you are currently BANNED playing (end-game) without paying anyway.

Strange, I recall making it to a first place position not long ago in a match using a sub optimal hero out of the 2 choices I was given. Seems like I made it to end game and won without paying. It isn’t often, I’ll grant you that but but also even when I do have the extra 2 choices I dont reach 1st place any more often. So I dont see the more options as p2w. Its more like pay to increase chances of not bailing right away. Has nothing to do with winning or not, I can be given 4 choices of amazing heroes and still take 8th place. I dont experience this p2w condition when I do have the perks. It really is just buying incentive to not auto leave a lobby because its most likely to occur if you can pick from only 2 but less likely to happen if you can pick from 4. Only the crazy people like my best friend irl are the type of people that refuse to auto bail and just play every match no matter the choices offered.