Battlegrounds rushing

you shouldn’t be able to rush to T6 and survive. Its BS, is what that is. Seeing someone luck into the right SINGLE MINION thatputs them into safe territory just because its a T6 minion. A single T6 minion. Seen it too many times, honestly, and its BS. Person has 12 health and wins because my minions, even if they synergize with each other, aren’t getting triple digit health/attack.

Speaking of that, triple digits shouldn’t even be possible, if the game was balanced properly. Too many divine shields, too.

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any example of this? tbh none come to mind, but i dont play a lot of bg, i just try to force a highroll

Highrolling into the +1/1 blood gem quilboar while curving perfect value cards is one of this sittuations…

I know that after x loosing streaks the game is influenced somehow to give you good outcomes. Particular algorithm that makes everyone go insane, since in order to have people keep on playing the introduced this bull algorithm to make failures who know nothing about the game highroll so they continue playing while you will get de-ranked by this stuff.

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