Battlegrounds Rigged Beyond Playable

I’ve been playing battlegrounds since the launch and it is the ONLY thing keeping me playing heartstone. I can usually grind ranked pretty well. But this season, I have noticed so many things differently, that make the game actually unplayable.

Ranking up has become actually impossible. I have been HARD stuck at 5500 this season and I know for 100% FACT it’s not my game play. I’ve seen pools that are so atrocious that there would be zero way to build any deck capable of winning. HUGE lobby comp swings in cards to where the game almost intentionally screws you on builds and then legit laughs for you going the other direction. I’ve seen everything, quite literally. Even when I make adjustments or try anything new, nothing seems to elevate my chances of even getting 4th. It’s either 1st, 2nd or 8th. Nothing in between. I’ve never seen anything like this and Blizzard, you should honestly be embarrassed.

Which leads me to my next point.
I know the game tries to level out winning and losing. I get it. I really do, but the game has hit a point of just being straight rigged. Even if I do manage to place 1st, the very next game is almost 90%+ of placing 8th or just slowly losing 5th through 8th to lose any RP gained.

I’ve turn hands where I was guaranteed to win and the other player magically gets some magical way of beating me after I beat them 3 hands in a row.

I’ve seen the absolute most insane things I’ve ever seen. Literally in all of hearthstone.

This game is 100% unplayable currently and I’m ‘this close’ to uninstalling and never playing again. Actually, I just uninstalled. I’m done.


well, im about 6500 rating atm, and i can tell you, the real issue is most people just run top tier meta stuff, the game has bigger issues though, such as trying to build a deck just to realize someone else has all of your cards, which basically makes you instant lose.

and also the fact that you can win many matches in a row just to run into someone who has such a crazy insane deck built that they instantly do 25+ damage to you in one hit and knock you right out of the game after being on top. the game needs to retain damage caps imo and fix some of the toxic meta garbage that plagues higher mmr.


This is also a major issues I’ve noticed.

I’ve even tried to avoid the tactic you speak of. I’ve tried just about everything and anything. Literally nothing worked, so I’ve ultimately gave up. I’ve uninstalled and to be frank, I don’t feel the loses were entirely on my lack of effort of trying different strategies and/or just absolute terrible pools.

Hey. I lost 3 BG yesterday @ “bubble”. Finished 5th and i was extrimly close to top4.
However ive played a lot of poker online in the past and i learned that RNG not only may be brutal sometimes, but it has to be. In games like that you cant always get balanced cards because its agains math. Sometimes u have to expirience few losts in a row (or wins).
Hope it can help a little bit. :slight_smile:
Like 50 cent said: drama means nothing, its part of the game :smiley: :smiley:

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Kobe Bryant also said “I don’t invest time into something I can’t definitively win.” To hell with RNG. When I’m being forced to lose 4-10 games in a row. That is not acceptable.

Bro, I lost 17 straight games. 17. Before you troll me, understand, I’m a very good player. So I’m done.

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Sounds like me in Standard mode yesterday. Lost so many matches I just threw my hands up and quit for the day. Will probably just check to see what the quest is today (to see if it needs re-rolled) and log back off.

100% accurate. Except you failed to mention the new bots Blizzard has launched. They intentionally block attempts at synergy, and yes, have magic deck building end game. People do as i have, contact Microsoft and warn them how Blizzard (Activision) is purposefully sabataging their purchase. The only hope is Microsoft makes necessary changes in the transition to undo what Bli$$ard does with their forced PTW greed.