Battlegrounds: REMOVE the banana Slamma

Im sorry Banana Slamma is just so broken.
Blizzard kindly just remove this card…
Just had a game where some random event poooped out 3 mama bears with a banana slamma of course in play with reborn. I win every round, then comes this card early and just kills everyone…
Doubling stats on anything summoned is just ridiculously powerful.

no it won’t…stop playing at 1k.

I actually played this build for the first time this weekend having avoided it no matter what since Banana dude was released, but I had a slew of bad RNG losses so I took the plunge.

I took the lobby and what a boring slog it was. No real thinking required just find Reborn snake guy and some mama bears to pair with your slamma. Get slammas increased health whenever possible to avoid sniping. Octo to finish and had it all paired with the new Beast summoned from hand when a Beast dies, WHICH DID have some thought because you had to position correctly in order not to lose a reborn/DR summon proc as it preceded these in order of activation.

Unfortunately, I think this is what the Devs want for Beasts. I do think it brings up the point, along with the new Nightmare Undead T7 minion, maybe anything summoned during combat that isn’t summoned from hand (the bird or the murloc for example) shouldn’t have a star level any greater than 1 or 2. Undead are so strong right now, and it’s the token build that’s winning, even without the Nightmares. Sisters work okay, but it’s nothing compared to the new T5 Avenge minion combined with T3 Hands and Anub.

I don’t know. Just a thought.