Battlegrounds playing against you

Does Battlegrounds game mode actively play against you? I play the highest percentage moves and get out to a small lead in nearly every game then in the mid-late game my rolls seem purposefully bad, I never get rolls for my warband and if I do I’ll get 1-2 star units with no triple possibilities. I don’t want to win every game but there is no reason that anyone should go from 1st to 5th because rnjeezus and people literally copying builds halfway through the game. I like the change that did away with heroes, it definitely makes it somewhat better but it’s frustrating to go from 1st to 5th for 10 games just to get one game where the win is spoonfed to you imo.

And yet, in the very next sentence:

The implication seems to be you think other people AREN’T playing THEIR highest percentage moves. That doesn’t seem to make sense to me, but maybe you can explain it?

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Yes. Use a tracker to confirm that. If your actual combat winrate is less than half of that calculated by the tracker, you know the combat is rigged against you.

I’m suggesting that it is a format issue, something isn’t quite right with either the combat (who it decides you fight) or an issue where it is simply too easy to over level and get ahead of somebody with a strong build to make it impossible for them to scale. It’s not unsolvable but I’m lying if I said its not extremely frustrating to play every move to the best of your ability, you’re cruising along and get molly whopped by a wave that is your same warband but you played them earlier and they had none of those units, but somehow you didn’t roll any of them. Also locking your other 2 character picks behind a paywall is kinda sus imo.

That’s regular selfishness playing tricks on us. A good test question is: “do I ever think of thong things when I get very lucky instead and win?”.

The problem with current BGs is that I see a bit of a power creep; i.e. it’s easy to to be big early; people die fast before they are level 5.

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I would agree with this diagnosis.

Agreed here as well.

That there is something of a confirmation bias, though. There are plenty of plausible explanations that aren’t tin-foil-hattery.

For instance, maybe they had those cards in hand, and didn’t play them for a while (for whatever reason). Or maybe they were in their tavern and they kept freezing them every single turn until they were able to buy it. Or maybe other players had those cards, and sold them / got eliminated, and your opponent was offered them randomly before you were. Maybe they had hero powers or trinkets or tons of triple rewards or whatever else might have happened that gave / discovered those cards to them.

Or, maybe they were hacking. It can be done, it’s not like HS is some flawless impenetrable paragon of bullet proof coding. I don’t know why anyone would hack this game, but I also don’t know why people like pineapple on pizza. Life’s a mystery like that.

Bottom line though, Occam’s Razor would suggest the game isn’t any more or less “rigged” against you, than it is anyone else. We know the game employs MMR algorithms. It literally tells us as much. What we don’t have, is concrete evidence that X gets favored over Y (things like the extra hero slots notwithstanding).

agree entirely, I am not actually suggesting that the game is entirely rigged against you and exists to make your day worse obviously. And I doubt people hacking HS because there isn’t much to gain, it’s like being the best in World of Tanks, sure you’re the best but what was the competition? It FEELS like this happens with a larger than average frequency because the game always has 4 losers and 4-2nd place is only a win for MMR imo. I’m not suggesting the devs are spiteful towards me but the game plays strange for the time being and makes it easy to put on the tinfoil hat and say wtf, I had undead the whole game, I’m tier 4 and rerolled 4 times and got one skeleton on each roll meanwhile someone who copied my build but went t-5 early ruined my build for the whole game and now I can’t get any units until t-6 if I survive. (several examples of other wbs too) but I agree with what you’re saying and acknowledge it’s not actually rigged to beat me specifically.