Battlegrounds opponent rotation

hey guys,
I’m curious if anyone else has experienced facing the same opponents multiple times in a match, while there are two or three players you haven’t encountered at all. Is this an intentional design choice, or is it just a result of poor enemy rotation?


It’s a situation of you and the people in question both being within the same point bracket, as well as you both hitting the search for a match button near the same time

Gung, you completly misunderstood the question.

To the OP, yes, that’s quite common.

It’s basically poor design, as are many things.

NO, but then aain, nothing about this mode is balanced or properly designed. Opponents waiting till T6 and then , SOMEHOW, surviving with 4 health because the game, Sorry, Algorithm, deigned that they are to win. This company can go to hell, now. I hae finally accepted that the blizzard I grew up with, is dead.

I remember going to a computer show Decades ago, seeing a warcraft demo, and thinking that would be cool to play. The demo discs were free. The game was the best thing I had played up to that point, aside from Doom.

The trash they shovel out these days is a far cry from the heydays of Blizzard and their, “its done when its done” mentality.