Battlegrounds on Mobile

There are few posts out there on Battlegrounds animation times.
Over the past year through vairous BG events this issue has progressively become worse.

I often play on my pc with my wife playing on mobile. She will never finish her turn before I do, starting at turn one and getting progressively more and more behind.
Now I have seen other threads where people claim this is part of the balance in the game. Well that simply is not the case, this is just poor user experience.
Why I say this is because the person who is impacted does not have to be playing any one strategy. Not only is it always an impact, but the opponent plays as big a role in the timer as the player impacted. Playing against beasts (with leap frog back in the game) it completely skipped her turn. I got out of my animations with 20 seconds left, took my turn and looked over to her to see that she was still mid combat from the previous turn.

This makes the game unplayable for a large portion of the player base.

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Iā€™m not even on mobile and i just came out my turn on PC with less than 4 seconds left. I now have to close the game completely and relaunch it because it is significantly faster than watching animations.