Battlegrounds not pairing with nearby rating

I just checked with a random partner and they were almost 1300 points behind me.

what is your rating?

it was 6400 now it is 6000…it is clear that some of these players aren’t even close to that rating…why did you ask?

Typically 6k is the floor of a pairing bracket, much like 5500 and 5k, and so on. But if they were that much lower than you then perhaps duos doesnt pair people the same way that ffa bgs does. I run into similar issues when my irl buddy is already at 7k in ffa bgs and Im at the end of my climb towards 5500-6k, we group up and enter lobbies with people that I can just tell are well outside my skill level and Im taken out as 8th place cuz ive been unable to not take dmg after each combat. Im getting pulled into a lobby i’d otherwise have no business being in lol. I make sure he knows Im blaming him for it too. I enjoy ridiculing him for being so good at the game and he gets a kick out of the backhanded compliments delivered like Im mad at him. He really enjoys being called a team killer as if he had anything to do with it lol. (to be clear, normally he doesnt, the game rarely pits us against each other in ffa bgs when we are grouped).

My point tho was that had you been like 7.3k and they were at the floor of 6k then you might be encountering that. cuz theres no more floors for mmr ranks past 6k. but being at the cutoff yourself, and them being 1.3k lower… idk, all i can conjecture to that would be duos doesnt pair the same way as ffa?

You are being matched by the hidden MMR. The visible number you see in battlegrounds is just your current rank, not your actual MMR.

Then my hidden mmr ought to be putting me in lobbies with folk much lower than 6k but anyone i friend request is always well above my own and once I reach the 6k mark is when I go from normally taking top 4s to normally taking 4th-8th and I flounder within 100 mmr of 6k the rest of the season. Surely my hidden mmr isnt actually much higher than my shown one?Its a stark difference in lobbies when I cross into 6k.

Unless they decide to reveal our actual MMRs at some point, it’s hard to tell how closely our ranks align with MMR, but this post from four years ago on Reddit helps explain how it works

“When reset happens your visual rating will go to 0 and your matchmaking rating will stay the same. You will progress from 0 for 30-60 games until you matchmaking rating and your visual rating are roughly aligned, at which point you will stay the same rating unless your skill level improves.”

how would my hidden mmr be 1300 points lower winning up to 6400? What hidden mmr would that be?

I don’t understand your question

why would I be paired with someone that much lower when I had just won the last 4 or 5 to get to 6400+?

My guess is that both of your MMRs are still closely aligned even though your ranks are not

Prolly a case of someone thats not played as many games this season as you, but in the general long term timeline of playing bgs over the seasons, you are similar hidden mmr. If Im understanding Skizzy correctly. So the displayed MMR is only a current High Score so to speak… but our hidden MMR would be akin to our betting odds at a gambling place such as how horse races are handled. Similar horses with similar odds are generally pitted against each other? I hope im understanding or expressing it as correct as I can lol.

I would suggest friending your partner and seeing what theirs is.

I don’t play duos, but I’m not sure how it would help as I’ve already described why the visible rating isn’t the same as actual MMR

How it might work in duos.