Battlegrounds Not Fun? Just Me?

Am I the only one who feels like BG’s are stale and boring?

I personally think there are too many minion types and having 5 types not in each game feels bad, it’s probably the worst thing about current BG’s. Get rid of Naga’s at the very least and expand it to 6 in, 3 out. 10 different minion types is way too much.

There are also way too many bad hero’s and useless hero powers. Cut that mess way down, like immediately. Knowing you have almost zero chance to win if you get a bad selection of hero’s is awful.

And last but not least even with the 15 damage cap (until there are 4 players left) it still feels like each game goes way too fast.

Bad heroes were intentionally designed to be bad because of their namesake or how BAD they were in the lore. Games will slow down the higher ranked you get in battlegrounds but heres the kicker. You gotta learn to disconnect anytime quillboars or any race you know you can’t scale against are in the game if you want to have a fighting chance. Much like the real hearthstone you need to recognize what fight is blatantly unwinnable before it even starts.