Battlegrounds New Mega-Minion - 2,147,483,647 Attack and HP

Playing around with the new systems. Got the game mode where T7 tier and minions are in the game.

To put it simply the stars aligned and I managed to stack Argent Braggart, Moria Bronzebeard, Drakkari Enchanter and Young Murk-Eye.

Reddit Post with Images from game/personnel stat pages

I would love to see if anyone has gotten higher then this. Blew my old “Biggest Minion” out of the water. Was the one where you used the troll hero to double Attack at the start of each round in combination with Tarecgosa.

If only I could of given this guy Divine Shield I might of gotten first and not lost to a poison mob haha Still my favorite round in ALONG time.

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The devs on this game suck, the worst in video game history.


They’re out of touch a bit, but they definitely aren’t the worst


At least the devs from the 80s E.T. game had the good sense to bury their failure in a landfill. If had been actiblizz, they would have simply hired a team of PR guys to acctack everyone who said the game was bad, gaslight the customers about how bad it was, and have a dedicated team of people who attacked anyone on their own publications who dared call them out on how bad it was.

Name five companies with worse dev teams (and don’t forget genocide denial, the lead dev posting exploits they ban streamers for accidentally doing, etc). We’ll wait.

I saw a board with 3 of these earlier

Greedier than EA, less competent than konami, less respectful of human rights than nestle, etc. Actiblizz is the last company on the planet I’d trust for anything. If they were tasked with designing a cardboard box, they’d probably send a half-eaten staple (and charge $50 for it).

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Agreed, they should have all been fired years ago.

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Well I can tell you one thing for sure : no one ever had or ever will have a bigger minion in hearthstone, ever.
What your stats show is that they added a security in BG that there isn’t in the normal hearthstone where they fixed a maximum value the game won’t try to go over.
It’s possible in regular hearthstone to reach those amounts of hp/atk in custom games.
But if you add a single more point to the value it will switch to the negative, setting it to 0 (and killing your minion if it was its hp).

Going a bit technical for the explanation : numbers in hearthstone are stored on 4 Bytes=32 bits
1 bit is used to know if the number is positive or negative
the 31 others represent the actual value of the number, each bit being a different power of 2 that you add to have the full number

That means that the maximum value you can store is 2^31-1=2147483647
(the minus 1 because you have to store 0)
The minimum value is -2^31=-2147483648
(not minus 1 because 0 is only stored in the positive values)

If you want a visual :
00000000000000000000000000000000 = 0
00000000000000000000000000000001 = 1
00000000000000000000000000000010 = 2
00000000000000000000000000000011 = 3
00000000000000000000000000000100 = 4
00000000000000000000000000001000 = 8
01111111111111111111111111111111 = 2147483647

11111111111111111111111111111111 = -1
11111111111111111111111111111110 = -2
11111111111111111111111111111101 = -3
11111111111111111111111111111100 = -4
11111111111111111111111111111011 = -5
11111111111111111111111111110111 = -9
10000000000000000000000000000000 = -2147483648

if you reach 01111111111111111111111111111111 = 2147483647 and imply add 1 it will switch everything to 10000000000000000000000000000000 = -2147483648

So thanks to you I learned that BG prevents that from happening to avoid minions dying from overstats unlike HS

I just saw this. Seems it didn’t show up on my notifications, so I’ll let you know now.

I can think of seven off the top of my head without looking into it. However, I couldn’t care less to prove anything to you. You’re incredibly negative here, and while I don’t mind some heated debating, you provide nothing with substance. I will be the first to admit I’ve gone too far a couple times here, but I feel like I add to the conversation for the most part whereas you choose to be the negative in the wrong always.

Enjoy my ignore list and wondering exactly which companies I’m referring. Laterz

ummm…yeah probably. it would be considered taking control of the narrative.

yep, standard ops. it always the customers’ fault for not enjoying the mediocrity provided.

here…i take issue.
i assume you are referring to fellow forum users. this is no different than me claiming you are hired by blizzards competition to badmouth them here.
like your claim, that is ridiculous to say about someone without proof of that claim. do you truly believe no one disagrees with you without being paid by a third party??? that is a weird world view you are harboring.

Unless you think everyone who has a negative opinion about the game is bought and paid for. The only problem is, you can’t get a certain subset of posters to say ANYTHING negative or empathize with the players, even when the devs, or the company itself screws up. That’s a level of devotion a scummy mega corp just can’t get from people, unless something else is going on.

On top of this, the non blue alt account has been a known thing for years. So it’s not a stretch to think there are some people here on the forums that aren’t…us.

Feel free to look up threads where there is criticism of the state of the game, the devs, or the company. Before long, you’ll start to notice a certain group of posters who make harassing posts about the op, anyone who agrees with them, and pull the topic off course. Furthermore, the kind of posts they make violate coc (even going into “final warning” offenses).

Now look at threads/posts where the devs, company, etc get cussed out (not that I agree with this. The edit (complete with note from a mod posting a LANGUAGE note!) happens so fast it makes your head spin. Same group of posters bullied and harassed a forum user on the verge of suicide.

This goes back years. Right here on the forum for anyone who wants to take a look. I’ve often encouraged people to do so, or has any doubts there’s something fishy going on.

Note, for those paying attention: yet another troll post that adds nothing to the discussion, more personal attacks, and from someone who supposedly decries being “incredibly negative.”

Also, gotta love “I could back up my point, but I won’t.” In other words, nothing and storms off with more trolling that would get anyone else a visit from the mods. Just another example of the two tier moderation system here.

All to distract from the hot mess this company is, and the current state of battlegrounds.

i don’t know who you are referring to here. so i must be part of…

i say bring proof to back a claim, and you give me homework?? unfair!!

i’ve never done this before…probably not gonna start now.

don’t know specifics here. sounds horrific if true. also sounds illegal if true. so this claim could maybe could have been criminally investigated?

sorry i was unaware of this forum drama when i commented. and now that i’m aware i want no part of it. you do you man. i’m not your daddy.

Unless you are

Because that’s who I’m clearly talking about. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt for not knowing the forum lingo: gold posts are from devs, blue posts are from other employees, and then there’s everyone else. And they post on alt accounts so as to make it less obvious they aren’t employees posting on the forums.

You asked, and it’s right there to be found. Creating a post for cross linking threads is against coc, otherwise I’d dig up some obvious examples. Again, something only certain people get away with.

To each their own. It’s there for anyone who is curious. And another example of how this company doesn’t follow its own rules, and rewards the frat boy culture.

It probably should have, but was brushed off like so many others. The coc specifically mentions that criminal acts get referrals to law enforcement, but even threats made here don’t get actioned (which are one of the “final warning” offenses).

It’s not “drama,” the lack of (or selective) moderation here is very real issue. Stick around long enough and you’ll encounter it yourself.