Battlegrounds - Murlocs

I catch the odd dog dog video on Youtube when it passes by - and in the last one he mentioned murlocs.

I just quit murloc lobbies, I can’t be bothered to play them, bored of playing them, bored of playing against them.

I have began to notice that I am not alone in this.

The lobby that prompted my post - I saw 3 people quit out before even selecting a hero.

Is this a thing? Is everyone just bored of playing against them?

They aren’t that bad unless you get someone playing murlocs and know what they are doing and they get the card draw going their way. If that happens, you can get murlocs with an insane amount of health & damage.

But there is way to mitigate the damage by having toons with high damage/health (especially ones with cleave) and having divine shield on them.

Oddly enough the video of dog’s - he won against murlocs.

I don’t think it is a win / lose scenario - just sick and tired of massive hp, massive attack, draw from hand an extra massive minion oh and why not have poison too.

It’s like - sure that’s fun, the first 500 times, then it is a little annoying for 500 times, then it is oh my god this board again for the next 500 times - and then after that - it is - well I would rather just play a lobby without it.

Get use to the high attack/hp on elementals, pirates, beasts, etc. as well.

for the poison for murlocs, doubt that’ll go away any time soon. Just need to learn how to deal with it.

In theory I have no problem with the way murlocs play out.
What I hate is, they still have a truckload of venom even though they are one of the easiest tribes to get high stats with.

Venom/poison used to and should be something that comes with minor stats.
Ofc you can allways high roll and end up with a super stated venom minion but it shouldnt be build in.

In fact you need venom to counter a solid murloc build (most of the time) so it’s usually murlocs into murlocs and that’s super odd.

At the guy above, it’s not very likely that I get two divine shield cleaves with 500-1k stats. One dosnt help cuz beside the 500+ dudes on board I gotta clear those that come out of hand.

Smart mentality. WRONG RACE TO BAIL ON SIGHT TO. Murlocs are the david to the goliath that is quillboars as a whole, without poison murlocs, the race you SHOULD be conceeding to every time you see them is literally impossible to kill. Besides ever heard of divine shield? Thats kinda the #1 counter to venom and poisonous things. I apllaud you for learning fights can be unwinable and to bail before your time is wasted but ah… wrong page of the cookbook to give up on.

remove murloc kill the game