Battlegrounds Minion Cap

I love battlegrounds and I think it’s by far and away the best game mode. Sure the RNG can suck, but 90% of the time it’s not the RNG that ruins the experience it’s when beasts or undead (and sometimes mechs and murlocs) are in. Oh you’ve got a great dragon or quilboar build going? Haha too bad the undead player got lucky stacked +5 attack and has 15 minions on turn 6 through death rattles. Oh Omu power leveled into a goldrin and now has banana slamma, titus, and the mech horse? GG concede and go next unless you’re high rolling the top .1% of other builds.

I understand this probably doesn’t show in win rates or however the balance of types is decided upon, but if I play dragons I get 7 minions, maybe effectively more with divine shields. An undead, beast, murloc, and some mech builds get well over DOUBLE that! WHY?! I’m not saying get rid of spawned minions, death rattles, or minions drawn from your hand, I’m just saying I think a limit to 7 would be nice! I’ve fought dozens of undead builds with more than 14 EXTRA minions all of which retain their attack buffs. That’s way worse than divine shield as it doesn’t just double, but can triple OR MORE the amount of damage dealt and leave tokens to deal damage.

Even the tunnel blaster doesn’t always help and even if you manage to successfully run straight shot to rid of some of their reborns, it doesn’t get rid of the death rattle summons and their are now death rattles that give reborn!

Probably coping with anything changing, but I haven’t seen this idea suggested, so maybe it could do some good. I don’t really see how this could be a bad idea, but if I’m being a real dunce I’m sure y’all will let me know.

I think this post is good in the sense it shows some detail how Beasts are unbalanced, but I don’t think limiting minions per combat is the solution. Right now the game suffers from damage caps and bad player match ups per turn. We really don’t want to throw another wrench into the works already in disarray imo.

There really just needs to be a minion that counters deathrattle like the minion that removes taunt and reborn when it attacks.

The fact that there’s literally 0 counter for the deathrattle mechanic is wacky. You can counter venomous, divine shield, taunt, and reborn, but not deathrattle.