Battlegrounds Issue?

So, I generally just do the Battlegrounds, and since the recent change, it feels like the RNG is actively trying to avoid giving me cards I might possibly want.

Like, if I buy a quillboar, it goes “Oh, well, here’s all naga and dragons, refresh all you like and we might show you another quillboar to buy when you upgrade the tavern to 5 and have 3 health left.” And it does that with any sort of strategy I might try to employ, to the point that the only strategy I can do is just buy random cards that don’t really do anything with each other.

Before I was coming in the top four like 4/5ths of the time, now it’s like I’m in the bottom four 4/5ths of the time.

Anyone else having this problem?


I got the Deathrattle hero 3 times, after turn 8 I had not seen a single death rattle minion the whole game. 3 different runs.

All in all, the new battleground is just soooo boring. hope its short. it sucks.

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So many factors

QBs are one of the best builds in the game right now, so I wouldn’t be surprised if you weren’t the only one buying them thus less in the pool

I can tell you one thing, which is the game isn’t out to get you

The game is rigged. When you are not supposed to win a game, your “luck” look just like that.