Battlegrounds is rigged (analysis)

So how is this not explained by you not actually being as good as you pretend to be?


ultimately BG is just a horrible game mode that takes no skill. That is why not many people play it.

This all you say?

This thing is for the troll under the bridges in the roads.

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This is what separate boys from men

Boys dont have the mental fortitude to play on their correct MMR and endure the tough losses, so they smurf on lower MMR to bully worst players so they feel better with themselves


Explain this Baron please. I’d like to BG more.

This is the utter truth! It’s a huge problem with FPS games. If you are a real competitor you want to go against the best. You don’t circumvent the system to feast on casuals.
Every F2P has super inflated accounts due to this very thing as well.

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That sums up every Kripp’ stream.

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riiiight, that’s why the streamers that play other game modes get more views. Wait, it’s the other way around.

Battlegrounds is the best game ever made. No doubt about it. I am almost 1000 hours in.

If they keep updating it regularly I will play it forever.

Still, the game feels very rigged. What determines who wins a fight? Since we know its auto-calculated at the start. My guess is whoever has the priority to win based on MMR and win-rate.

why am i getting matched with ppl that are definately higher than me? i fight rk2, then rk 1…obviously i will lose, thats crap

Only if you aren’t doing it right.

I frequently lose health early only to snowball to giant wins. Nothing is more fun than hitting the first place player with 40 health for 30 damage, lol.

in their statement, they match all accordingly to their game, you get matched based on skill lvl of game…so i get murdered 22 pts of 21, im last, they first out of 6 ppl, i get matched that???

many games i get matched to first place just to get wiped and i was 8th place and 7, 6, 5, wont let me have a 4th

The best proof the games are absolutely rigged is the tracker. If my winrate is BELOW HALF the calculated one by the tracker, all over thousands of games played, it can’t be random, and it is not.
Only 10% chance to lose? I lose those at least 30% of the time, instead of 10% of the time.
Only 20% to lose? I lose those about 44% of the time.
30% to lose? Losing almost 60% of the time.
Those basic 50% chance to win/lose with 2 or 3 minions on both sides? I lose those about 86% of the time.

Pure skill, right? :smiley:

so, cant get shield when bomb goes…bs, was only 3rd rd

i like how the game says they match you accordinally…thats BS. i get matched with ppl who destroy me in 4th rd.

BG is the most luck dictated joke of a format ever made. Will your triple give you the best upper tier minion possible? or total junk? The battle generator is an even bigger joke. I’ve got 2105 hours played.

Battleground features heavily predetermined mmr brackets. Once you hit yours, (for me its around 6000) it becomes impossible to climb.

“the game is rigged because it doesn’t let you climb above the rating which reflects your skill level”

ye guy i used to be like you, i was stuck at around 4-5k until i took the time to look at what others who were stomping me were doing… then suddenly 7-8k rating

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Does it feel like it’s rigged sometimes? Hell yes. But really, what would Blizzard possibly gain from rigging the games? I can’t come up with something that’s reasonable and doesn’t deserve a tinfoil hat.

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Yes its rigged. What can we do about it?