Battlegrounds: Ghoul-acabra

A lot of people think that but shellemental (green guy, tier 5) has a spellcraft spell that is actually a permanent buff

It’s only really possible because of how Beatboxer keeps creating more replicating menaces. If you can manage to find a second Beatboxer, it’s pretty much over at that point because you’re gonna have so many death rattle triggers, they’ll never be able to keep up with your scaling

I just tried mechs with goul and i never once found the dang magnetic DR summons minion, nor the spell that yields a random magnetic at end of turn. … i got the DR that give a magnetic in hand but it gave me lulabot after zilliax? after divine taunt… but never the one id need lol. such an uphill endeavor

Well, it looks like you won’t have to worry about it. The Ghoul has been changed and no longer triggers off deathrattles. It only triggers off dead minions. This change was so obviously specifically targeted at the mech builds. On the upside it looks like undead and beasts will get more value out of reborn because of this change.

It only triggers after friendly deathrattle minions dying now, i had no idea it used to trigger off of enemy deathrattles too before the change. never saw that happen but it still scales super big with undead and beasts crazy. I just played the one hero, putricide i think? he makes his own undead as his power? anyhoo I relied on its buddy, giving them reborn, and crafting the Moroes reborn deathrattle buffer but mine had poison/venom lol. then i finally scored the kelthuzad lady and the goul, scaled so well I took down the person that had a beast build with the hydra with well over 800 hp lol. unfortunately for them their hydra only scaled up to 32 attack lol.

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Well, that will teach me not to listen to someone on YouTube who is doing a patch note review and doesn’t add in the part where the death rattles actually trigger it still.

Yeah, forget what I just said above. That card is still bonker’s good

I tried for naga today, I found exactly 1 of the blue buffing naga, 2 of the red naga that keeps all the spellcrafts, and 1 of the sombrero naga. and I legit did not encounter another naga all game. I reached t6, combat 12, and i mean it, not one other naga ever. no one else had them either. I had to make do with some elementals to make it that far… but for real, in that match, they just didnt exist aside from those 4 naga. and I was playing as Cookie the murloc… if I had encountered even any trash naga I would have been able to discover some due to my power and buddy combo… but no. That legit never made itself an option to me. but alas, i was able to get one of the red nagas up to the high 28ish/28ish territory. Unsure at the moment.

I tried to go beasts today and I just didn’t get the pieces together. Only found one blue bird and by then it was already too late. It happens sometimes

The Naga Comp got nerfed. The Buddy went from tier 5 to tier 6. It takes longer to get the setup online.

Beast can no longer ramp to 4 and grab a Lasher then scale off the map and win the lobby. I did 3 beats builds since the patch and Lasher was never used since it scales zero attack now. You are basically forced to find the Ghoul on 6 to scale its attack but that’s a risky prospect.

I didn’t find any lashers either. Honestly I hate the beast build, but I wasn’t really seeing anything else in my tavern to work with until I didn’t feel like I could pivot to anything else. Managed 3rd in that game, which is still a win, but I wasn’t impressed with myself

Im really getting tired of how easy it is for others to use that one hero’s buddy that changes the one to its left to a random one +1 tier higher including t7s. its like they instantly get goul on like turn 6 or 9. I havent been up for duos recently since so many pairings of certain heroes are soe busted and OP. Nameless one with so many others is utterly insane like with Greybrough, or with the troll hero that duplicates in hand every 3 turns… so many busted combos just because of the heroes paired.

back to ffa bgs, now there isnt the spell to change your hero power later on in the game anymore… making many of the previous heroes with non powers (afk, many others like that) useless choices again.

I just had a game with beasts where i got a Lasher then the following turn went to 5 tripled and found a Ghoul. I was never in any real danger the rest of the game of losing and then two turns later i tripled the ghoul and i basically just went into juggling taunts around each match till i finished off the lobby. The Ghoul is what they want you to do for sure now.

Basically they turned Beasts into the same as Dragons where you need one specific minion to play the build then tech it out as you move along. Zapp is good as well since you can scale it with Ghoul into a minion with a couple hundred attack going low with WF.