Battlegrounds: Ghoul-acabra

Genuine question for the devs.

Did you guys play a round of battlegrounds after adding this card? I find it really hard to believe that a team capable of producing and managing a game like hearthstone didn’t take one look at this card, laugh, point out how broken it is and put the idea straight in the bin.

Turn 8 and my ops BARON RIVENDARE was already 36/59.

Dual minion type too so it’s in nearly every game.

So much fun


True story: I have not played a round of battlegrounds since they added this card.

Not shocked there are broken things and buddies have sped everything up even more to the high roll or die meta because that’s what they always do.

Buddies suck and really emphasize the pay to win nature of four hero choices.

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Buddies are neither the issue nor the topic of my post and you really need to at least see the Ghoul-acabra in play to comment on it. It gets played around the 10 minute mark, you can see how quickly it pumps stats into the entire board. 2 or 3 turns later and the game is as good as won, most of Dog’s board sitting at >20/30 and it just gets worse.

So far I’ve played 8 games today, I won both games where I got Ghoul-acabra with ease and in all but 1 of the games I got steamrolled by someone using this card. The only reason that 1 games was different was cus no beasts or undead in the pool

I really don’t, though. I’ve read enough about it to know exactly why it’s ridiculous.

The fact that it procs even if there isn’t room for the DR to hit the board and has so much synergy makes it just game breaking.

I’m not disputing your premise that it should be removed until it can be fixed at all.

Buddies make everything worse.

Are you saying buddies won’t allow you to print more copies or exploit your hand to make the situation even more dire?

Exactly. Combined with the change to McCaw where it hits the exact deathrattle you want it just so lame. The fact that one single card can dictate the direction of every single game it appears in is just obnoxious.

Matter of opinion so… meh

…that is widely shared by many top players.

Buddies are among the worst metas we get simply because of the gap between the best and worst being so dramatic.

They destroyed STANDARD, then Duels, then Arena now they want to destroy Battlegrounds.
There is only one explanation in this Ghoul-acabra. Adding no-brain mechanics is the biggest cancer for this game. Who is fastest to find Ghoul-acabra that one wins, and you don’t need to do anything. Just take popcorn and watch the BUFFS.

I play 10 years with this unbalanced peace of s… and I H… DEVELOPERS AS MUCH AS I CAN.

Bro, calm down, stop with the yelling. This part of the internet isnt outdoors or in a foundry.

I dont think the issue someone takes with you commenting on the minion is because you lack the amount of reading about it to form an opinion of it. The lack of experiencing it in game is what would lead someone thinking your opinion lacks much credibility. Im reminded of something I saw that eludes me as to where I saw it, but the gist was that the “expert” in the wild jungle with the main characters relying on his expertise was not in fact an expert, but someone that wrote about an actual expert and thus their publication of such was seen as expertise in the field when in reality it was expertise on writing about someone else’s expertise. This comes to a head when the reveal is made to the main characters and the “expert” is suddenly and violently attacked and unalived in front of them by a forest creature.

Your take on a thing might be in line with what you’ve read about said thing. But having a credible opinion tends to rely on first hand experience of said thing. Otherwise anyone can “Tuesday Morning Quarterback” anything and think their take on something is just as valid as the actual quarterback that played the previous night on Monday Night Football.

This is just what Im reminded of, of course. Your results may vary.

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Your inability to learn from reading and the experiences of others is a you thing.

I don’t need to experience a unit to immediately understand the problem.

It has also been widely discussed in other forums, including video evidence and additional descriptions.

So doctors have to have cancer to treat it?

No, you don’t have to experience things to understand them. There are lots of people who experience things and don’t understand them at all… I won’t name names, but…

I mean, the world must be so terribly difficult for you with all of the false assumptions you have about nearly everything you discuss.

Everyone watch out, there is an expert in the room!
Hey, expert. Show me your BG rate position in the leaderboard.


Absolutely spot on. Knowing being burned sucks and actually experiencing it are worlds apart.

Your overly defensive nature is certainly a you problem. At least you fluffed your post count a bit though, eh? Thanks for contributing I guess

lol, k, mate. Welcome to the board.

No, it isn’t. It’s wrong.

Exactly why are you in this thread? No first hand experience of the topic, tried to change the subject, now just typing things that are completely irrelevant. Pretty sad really. Nice post count tho…

Yeah, this card is pretty busted. It’s so easily abusable, and it’s easy to get for some heroes. Crazy how out of control it can get. On top of it, we already have cards that abuse deathrattles and summoning, so it just stacks and stacks so quickly.

He pulls this garbage constantly. He just wants to be divisive to try and “win” arguments for Blizzard, start fights, and flag people.

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Last night I was playing as Greybough running undead reborn/deatthrattles with Baron and a golden ghoul, the scaling was absolutely outrageous. Didn’t need to buy anything after turn 9 other than spells and tipplers… just leave my board to scale like crazy over the last few turns. The rest of the lobby just had no chance, it wasn’t even fun, no interaction, no skill, just massive minions and basically free ranking. I think I would have still won if I’d dropped down to 5 minions

Probably. Lots of times you need a gimp spot to sell minions anyhow. Since you were so ahead, you probably had an above average sixth minion for that stage in the game. No, you definitely did because you had Ghoul-acabra.

Nah there was nothing special, wasn’t even a full deathrattle board. it was a pretty poor build all things considered. The one that gives another minion reborn (golden), the reborn deathratle give undeads +2/4, 2 none-golden eternal knights, handless forsaken (golden) plus Baron and Ghoul.


Projection much?

Clearly I am among the most pro-company posters here with how frequently I am critical of Blizzard and their decisions… said no one but you.

Because public forums are public.



I’m sorry complete thoughts are difficult for you to follow. Maybe read things again or ask a friend at home to help you find the main ideas. Good luck!

Anyone with a basic understanding of the mechanics of the mode can see this without even playing a game… but somehow the devs couldn’t.

You do the math there, lol.

Through playing more games, my stance has only solidified. This card is a menace and a problem. It snowballs so quickly. It’s like the new QB problem, but even more consistent because of it’s duel type. Game I was just in, the two other teams left both had this stupid card by turn 6. What in the world were they thinking?

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It’s on the chopping block in the patch as most expected. It’s easily the most OP minion we have ever seen in BG’s. I’m guessing probably goes to starting at +1/+1 but only triggers off the first DR proc. Otherwise you have to do something else to drastically change it.

The BG meta will be very different after the patch on Thursday for sure. So many changes as expected.