Battlegrounds: Ghoul-acabra

Did I say credible opinions HAVE TO rely on first hand experience? Or did I say TENDS TO rely on first hand experience? For someone so quick to make a point you sure cannot read what you quoted.

As for doctors, no, but I find one that has fought the same fight as what they are treating to be a much more credible source on treatments and what to expect than one that hasnt. I am not discounting the one that hasnt, but I have elevated the one with first hand experience.

In this scenario, being a card game encounter. I am discounting your take on the minion as you have openly stated you have no experience with it. Would you think my take on Shudderwock in wild to be of any real value given i dont own shudderwock nor have I played wild in almost a year? Would my take on it be of any crtitical value to anyone encountering it now? I would think not. Similarly I think not of your take.

I recalled where I got the scenario you remind me of. Its from Star Trek Lower Decks Season 2 Episode 4 Mugato, Gumato. The Person that read and wrote so much on the Mugato’s was of 0 help when confronted by an actual Mugato.

In a scenario like an appendix bursting or face burns, any old doctor such as a radiologist or pediatrist is no substitute for an experienced General Surgeon or rhinoplastician. You can very well be a General Practitioner DR without the experience of cutting out an appendix, but if my appy is blowing up, Im gonna want someone’s opinion on it like a Surgeon over them.

I aint advocating that all doctors require hands on experience to be able to discuss things with a patient, but you know what actual doctors do? They refer a specialist to make a plan of treatment both for and to the patient. You dont see a GP Dr making drastic suggestions for a cancer patient, they get referred to an oncologist for their expertise on the subject.

So no, a DR does not HAVE TO have cancer to treat it. But I never said such silliness. You did.

It could be an avenge (3) type buff with nothing else changed to mitigate its runaway board domination.

That’s too big a hit. They’d have to lower its tier.

It would have to be set back to +1/+1. An Avenge 3 might be enough then. Keeping it at the old buff stats wouldn’t do much to it with all the DR builds and how Titus multiplies it.

how about making it not dual typed? like how quillboar had their one beast card. but its only undead tribed, however it is only beast labelled. meaning it would only appear in undead lobbies, but doesnt benefit from any undead buffs, meaning the only way to give it reborn that lasts is thru the beast tribe minion if they are in the lobby as well. combined with the avenge (x) version of its buff. if 3 isnt enough then 5?

they should just make it beasts only, like sister deathwhisper for undead, the most useless tier 6 minion

It’s at it’s optimal power in Mech builds though. The tag removal would make it less seen but still be oppressive. It will be interesting to see how they change it.

Yeah, it used to be a great minion now it has no real home.

I think Ghoul-acabra is too good if you compare it with others tier 6 minions. Pirate tier 6 and prior Demon/beast tier 6 only buff for 1 combat, and they actually become worse minions if their buff were permanent. Undead Lady buff is permament but his trigger is really bad. Lord of Gains it will be a better minion if he actually buff himself and not only other nagas.
Ghout-acabra has all things good without payoff, he buff ALL minions, his trigger is easy and he buff himself. Also bird beast exists…
How to fix it?
Make Ghoul-acabra buff himself and his adyacent minions for each deathrattle trigger not the entire board. He still will be a solid minion.

even with that you can still abuse ghoul acabra with minions who have multiple deathrattles.

How is it more oppressive in mechs? they only get the one shot at their deathrattles and unless you pair with the reborn giving undead when it attacks… thats not a lot of deathrattles as compared to Undead naturally getting both reborn and deathrattle as well as easily giving them reborn if they lack it. Beasts are mostly deathrattles already with the help of their t3 insect reborn-giving-1-off-minion. The only real minion i see from mechs at all being of use is the beast-mech -Unicorn thingy. The one that gives 2 deathrattle versions of itself but they are super low stats without the goulbeast pumping them along with the other rare t6 of the wolf…

Im all eyes on what makes mechs the more OP tribe with Goulbeast.

Just had a match where there was the hero that destroys a minion and resummons it when there is space, and they got Ghoul-acaba early… How did they not see this??? Can’t be nerfed sooner. Unfortunately, I feel like beasts are going to get unfairly hit because of this card.

Because if i magnetize a Deathrattle onto a minion and that minion dies ALL of the DR’s proc the Ghoul effect regardless of them actually creating more little minions or not. So for example if i have a Mech and it dies with say 5 magnetized Replicating menaces on it. That will trigger the ghoul 5 times. It’s not hard to keep getting this setup with Beatboxers who will get the exact magnetized minion onto itself. So those 5 Replicating Menaces are now multiplied onto the Beatboxer. Throw in a Titus and each DR triggers twice so you get 10X with just the one mech and 20x with beat boxer.

If i have 2 Ghouls in play everything above is multiplied by two. Also the ghoul buffs don’t trigger until AFTER minions are summoned. So the tokens get all those buffs. A Beast build is good with the Ghoul but as you can see a Mech build can create VASTLY more DR triggers for the Ghoul to trigger off of.

I don’t even think mechs were in my most recent game, but there were undead. Chose Tess intending to steal other people’s ghouls but ended up tripling into 2 of my own and no one else had any. Killed everyone so fast. Done with battlegrounds until the nerf

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It snowballs so hard after just one battle with the ghoul out. Very common to see +100/+100 or more after that happens especially with mechs. I actually had a game where i was getting 10 magnetics a round off procs each turn. The game started locking up trying to process double golden ghoul due to the Buddy making them golden each round. I had to restart each fight in order to keep playing.

Here you go.

Skip to the last few turns to see just how insane it is in a mech build.

I think that’s the biggest problem. Build is unimportant, tribe is unimportant… this card is so powerful that as long as you get it early and have a couple of deathrattles, you have a huge leg up, and 9 times out of 10, you’re going to win. The only reason you don’t win is because someone else got Ghoul with better deathrattle synergy.

This card single handedly swings games in a turn or two, regardless of skill or any other influencing factors.

That shouldnt be allowed to proc that way… thats unreal. Ive never encountered someone putting that many DR mech spawns on one minion like that. But yikes. Tho the magnetic DR spawns are kinda hard to come by compared to the lulabot or the endless any-3-parts-triples mech. (taunt/ reborn/ magnetic/ divine shield/ windfury/ stealth). Let alone that other one you mentioned lol. But i get what you mean. never even seen mechs offered in a lobby with undead/beasts lately to my recollection… but i cant trust that much lol.

Nah i raced to t6 and got 2 of them and a full deathrattle beast board but got destroyed by ungodly huge naga… like each one was in the 300/300s… biggest i got the gouls were in their 120s/120s and that was like turn 10. ive never been able to get naga to scale let alone ungodly scaling like that lol.

You need deep blue crooner and shellemental to scale your nagas better

yeah i get the sombrero lady and the blue guy but thats nowhere near 300/300… at most i can get it to maybe 20/20 to at most 30/30 per spellcraft… and thats only any good if i have red lady that saves them… getting those 3 at all is a miracle

gotta use the blue guy spell on a minion in the shop then use the green guy spell to buff your minions permanently rather than for a single turn

what green guy? idk of any green naga, also why use it on a shop minion? like if its a sombrero lady naga, yeah i get that but any other minion? it wouldn’t stick past that turn right?