Battlegrounds duo report

How do I report a duos partner for sabotaging a game. I accidentally played a card he sent me because I’m on mobile and he sold his entire board. This was early in the game too when we were in first place. I have a screenshot of their name.


Unfortunately, your partner didn’t do anything against the rules. He can sell his entire board.

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I sense that you have not played other “cooperative” games with random people before.

I do that to greedy people who can’t play as a team.

I also had this happen to me, and it’s pretty disgusting that this sort of gameplay is promoted and approved by Blizzard.

You can’t even report them, because they aren’t a “recent opponent”.

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what we do need is a way to block them from becoming partners again.

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Until these toxic players are fully account or IP banned from all of Blizzard’s servers, this game mode will continue to decline. This person right here decided that they would intentionally throw the game and harass me. This is 100% unacceptable in any scenario and Blizzard not at least allowing this person to be reported is inexcusable.

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According to MicroActiBlizz, those players aren’t breaking the rules. :man_shrugging: best thing to do is not play Hearthstone until they fix it…. Which will be never but you can hope… and wait.

or you can just play solo and not get aggravated by the duo’s mode.

Listen me all of you, I dont know how guys like that can have 8k as me, I joined game on 8200 duos and that guy dont want me to play murlocs so he dont send me cards and he sabotage all things I do in game so we lose, now another guy was not happy we got 15 damage so he sold all board and no he will not concede for me to get points he will stay in game until I lose so I can also lose points and that are just two of like 20-25 guys I have met, there are good players i play 70-75% games with good guys but how I supose to go with raiting up if i play with idiots I didnt say that they dont know to play but they behave like idiots, and Blizzard needs to insert some report for guys like that or at least some block so I can never play with thay guy again, I dont know how to solve that but it needs to be solved until then I will play solo battlergrounds!