BattleGrounds - Damage Cap suggestion

Use the damage cap as a means to achieving balance without making the game just annoying to play.

Currently you set a damage cap - and that it is…you don’t change it, you don’t use it in any meaningful way.

How about, while the game suffers poor balance, you decrease the cap, so that it is lower, for example to 5, and then as you release changes to fix the current poor balance - you increase it - until you feel comfortable getting back to 15.

I make this suggestion, because for the first time, I would say in several years - I can’t even be bothered to play.

And that is quite new.

I have been through what I always assumed was some of the worst balance - but somehow, it was always at least interesting to play - but the current game state, it isn’t even interesting. I am just bored.

So I suggest this change which will assist in the poor balance - which I believe is rooted in certain heroes having a particular advantage in the early / mid game with spells / creature purchasing - which currently has such an impact as to make it a bit boring.

The main drawback with that idea is that you completely rigg the meta
If the damage cap is set to 5 upon release every one will just rush high tavern tiers and greed for late game since there’s no punishment for losing early
You won’t have any idea of the early game powerlevel since no one will play tempo early until you set the cap to greater amounts


Then allow people that took the dmg cap one turn the Immune status the following turn, or at the very least take them out of the normal pairings and place them against a ghost player. (if there are still 8 players, invent a ghost player copy for them to face, and whoever they would have been paired up against, faces them but sees a ghost version just the same. The only thing worse than taking no hits all game and suddenly on like combat 9 take 15 dmg bringing you down to 15 HP… is to take another 15 dmg right away the following turn because there is nothing that could have prevented it.

If you take damage cap back-to-back that probably means you haven’t built enough tempo on your board and you ar eplaying too greedy for the meta
If you reduce the drawback of such gameplay you are encouraging people to stop playing tempo for the early turns since there’s no punishment for losing too many turns, and rush high tavern tier

Metas where you rush tavern 5 and triple for a 6, hoppin to snowball on it, in the past were way worse than metas where you have to defend yourself in the early game. That’s the reason why they increased the cost to level up to tavern 5, so there were not a curve that would allow you to rush 5 and recover in 1 turn. Now you have to build up something tavern 4 before going 5. And in order for that build up to be enough you also have to have kept something from your tavern 3

Its just that on turn 9 or 10 its a given I will face a board of minions that magically scaled up to something nearly 100/100 for a few of their minions and the largest I can build by then is maybe at best a single 20/20ish and a string of 10/10s at best. Not only that but they have a tier 6 or 2 and at least 2 golden minions as well. Im having trouble making a single golden minion in a game at all. getting back to back 15s by 9 and 10 is a very common thing and there isnt any choices I can be making better along the way.

This would be worse than the current damage cap. I’d actually like to go back to once one player is eliminated, it’s removed, but the meta couldn’t handle it.