Battlegrounds: Because of Pay2Win, ppl concede

I honestly don’t care is the point I am making.

I am not nor will I ever be a professional gamer. It’s never been a goal of mine.

I am saying whatever skill level anyone is at, have fun. If climbing your MMR is fun, go do you. If making meme builds is fun, go do you. If trying to win with the worst hero possible is fun, go do you!! There is plenty of room in the BG for all types of players.

What I am saying is that if someone is upset about the game, then they aren’t having fun. This generally means they have some sort of expectation that isn’t being met, and often that expectation is unreasonable or not based in reality.

I’m not super good at this game and I don’t suck either. I like to play, so I do. When I don’t like it, I will stop.


1K MMR exists?


I heard people even get into the minus. I concede like 2 out of every 3 games on average to cherry pick the Hero I want, yet even I’m still nowhere near that, no idea how people get that low O_o

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there are, i’m one of them :stuck_out_tongue:

agreed with everything you said, i was just wondering if it was possible to have fun playing at low mmr against people who literally play as if they were blind and click everywhere

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people do it. I hope they are having fun.

Doesn’t matter if there’s a reward in it or not. Pay2win means that you get game advantages if you pay in contrast to if you don’t pay. That’s all. So easy for people to defend an argument by completely ignoring the question and drop a totaly different reply.

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idk why you don’t understand that it isn’t a pay to win mode.

You are welcome to win without paying, any hero can win, it’s luck of the draw what heroes you are offered each time, and every hero is accessible without paying.

I purchased BG perks with gold earned in game for free. The only modes advantage is you can choose from a wider list - BUT I frequently get four T4 heroes, and if I hate all of them I will go ahead and concede rather than play a game I don’t want to play.

This is not pay to win - you can see all the same heroes and there is no actual advantage during game play.

I would concede your pay to win rant if only players with perks could play Specific heroes, but that’s just not the case.

The biggest perk is access to stats and to see your previous tribes. Not that big of a deal, but fun to look at sometimes. Like knowing your most minion damage was 2466 or that you have desroyed more than 125k minions and have 1k plus top four finishes.

I agree I don’t like the perks being locked behind paywall. I stopped playing too when I didn’t have the 4 options for heroes.
And when people say all the heroes can win that’s straight up bs, yes everyone can win, but they don’t have the same chances, it’s like you can win with a t4 deck it’s just you won’t have the same wr. I think I want to play something in the 55-60% wr and not 45-48% thank you very much.

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Are you expecting to take first place or finish top 4?

There are many heroes that have a better chance of making 1st, but several of them are feast or famine and inconsistent.

But getting to top four with any hero is very much a function of what you do when you play. Elise Starseeker is a T4 hero but somehow she’s top five in my list of winningest heroes. I suspect it’s because I play carefully and intentionally rather than assuming my hero power will carry me.

I have played with and without perks and it really doesn’t change my mmr…so it’s not pay to win.

I play with perks just to try heroes and see what works early. Nothing else. But I have my never-picks, I don’t ever pick Deathwing or hero’s who makes me lose, my top pick is Pyramad in a Murloc lobby.

I personally like the extra 2 chances for a strong hero that gets me 1st or 2second. 3th and 4th barely gives any points. You are straight up lying yourself if you think perks don’t change anything.

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It’s a really small sample size tho


omg, why!?!?! He’s an auto top four hero. I just scaped together a pile of divine sheild crap that got second, lol. Wow.

I won’t play pyramad at all, though, so personal preference, lol. /shrug

Which is also not true.

Dude I am currently 4100, usually stuck in 3300-3500 and I paid the $19.99, you have just as high of chance of getting 4 bottom tier heroes.

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It happens frequently, and it should. Half the pool is crap heroes so proper rng means you see them often.

Simple math says you are wrong so no.
I can assure you 4 chances of getting better heroes is better than 2, no lies buddy.

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The difference isn’t enough to call it pay to win. If there were heroes you only got with perks or heroes you never got with perks we could talk.

It honestly doesn’t matter if you get bottom tier heroes, if you play them well you can top four still. Perks are helpful but not essential.

Well, when there are new heroes unless you have the perk you have to wait 1 month.
Also the difference not being enough to call pay to win is just your opinion, anything that improves your odds even by a small % can be and should be called p2w. I played this with and without the perks, and it’s not the same. Getting top 4 is much easier with perks, same for top 1-2.

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Paying for an advantage is pay to win by definition, it does not matter how big the advantage is. The way they chose to monetize this gamemode is just terrible.