Battlegrounds: Because of Pay2Win, ppl concede

It’s a very logical process. Since we don’t PAY real Money to open up the battleground perks, we will concede if we get 2 bad hero picks and start over.

This causes most battleground runs to be boring with a ghost at the very start.

But what do you expect cheapskates. Don’t make Pay2Win games, you even said you wont gonna go pay2win before but now you’re doing it. you’re the worst.
Always be afraid when something you love goes public, then there’s no passion running things but investor relations. buu. you suck.


every hero can get 1st place, besides ranking means nothing, pay 2 win what? zero rewards


it only happens at your/low mmr ;(

standard would be a good example too, p2w hunter is currently one of the best decks

you don’t need rewards to win

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top 4 is a win, any hero can get top 4

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in one game, maybe but not in every game, some heroes are better than others, it’s a fact


To be honest I concede even when I get offered a good hero but I would rather play something else.

For example I have conceded several games when I got offered Hooktusk (pre-nerf) because I have played it a lot of times and was looking for something fresh - like Lich King or Jaraxxus etc.

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I don’t really play Battlegrounds, so maybe I’m missing something here, but are games really all that different just because you’re down one player? Doesn’t that just mean you get one guaranteed easy turn where you get to be a little greedier than you would otherwise?


Well yeah. And that alone might shake up the power balance in BG on its own :smiley: if I could afford to play against t1 ghost I could potentialy force upgrade the tavern thus gaining advantage compared to being forced to stay on the same tier and try to improve a board at all cost to not get hit for massive dmg from No1 highroll player.

But yeah - I do not see a problem with an early ghost in BG. It kinda doesnt matter if you face a ghost or some unlucky player that lowrolled hard.


That’s why they concede. Every hero can hit first, but your chances are much smaller. Nerfarian on a low-roll is going straight to 8th place. Ranking means nothing, so why drag it out when you can concede, re-roll and get a hero that’s fun to play?


OK dude. For you to win. Four other people will cry in rage and might as well complain here, and when you lose, these people will stop complaining.

Most of my runs have 8 players and no one concedes before turn 1.

I concede when I don’t get offered heroes I want to play. I frequently pass up “better” heroes for other ones I actually like to play. Like, I will take flurgl 100% because miracle murloc is fun - even if I lose more that I win with him. Also, there is a list of about seven or eight heroes I will just never play, and sometimes my choices are four off that list - so I concede.

This is a game, it’s for fun, there are no rewards or glory, and I think you should get over your anger at Blizzard and just play better … or don’t.

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is it fun to lose or to play at low mmr/against cluless players?

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Heck, it does more damage than just have games start with ghosts. It also makes high-MMR players drop a lot of MMR, putting them in low-MMR games, ruining the game for low-MMR players.

Please concede. I enjoy only having to survive longer than three people to get a top four. I also like having one less person to share minions with. If it’s that person who buys MY Soul Jugglers when I play demons, I will not miss you.


not just bg, hs is p2w

thats my point

you tell me… I have been 9k+ for months.

do you know that the top is at 14k-15k? i’m at your mmr and it is a low mmr, there’s still a looong way before reaching 15k

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People can have fun even at 1000MMR, you don’t need to be in the top with 14K; 9K is already an high level, i doubt there are clueless people around that MMR


I stopped playing BGs when they introduced the fee without adding rewards. I’d have preferred if they were to charge 50g per match and offer rewards for wins. That would make it at least a bit enticing: 150g for 1st, 100g for 2nd, and 50g for 3rd and 4th. (And 50g rake). But now, it’s not worth the money for me. If I were to try BGs again, I’d definitely follow the suggestions here and keep conceding until I got a hero I like, since there’s no penalty for a loss.

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