Battlegrounds at 6000mmr is discouraging

Whoever thought of showing the mmr in battlegrounds should be fired as I’m finding it a disheartening and discouraging to play.

at 6000mmr and it’s loss after loss after loss. I tried every damn tip and trick here and online and it’s a damn loss.

If blizzard wants players to be discouraged after playing this mode, they are succeeding.

What does showing MMR have to do with you losing?

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seems that when I hit 6000mmr, I can’t do anything right and i’m losing all the time.

Sorry, just hate that mmr rating garbage

With mmr, you are at 6k and losing.

Without mmr, one day you start losing, you think it might be because your at your cap, but it could just be you suck.

prefer to see mmr thanks.

Pretty sure you are losing half the time not all the time. Unless your exactly 6000 and if that the case how did you make 6k? got lucky? note 5800-5999 ie generally tougher competition then 6000

This game and the developers hate me as I flag every elite/good player as cheaters.

I can’t get no cards to build good deck with at the beginning and I get stuck at tier 4 because I don’t’ have a full board because i’m trying to get the cards to get something good build.

I see every other player getting a full quillboar, mech, demon, etc board where most of the time, I can’t build nothing at all.

If you’re having this rough of a time with the game, it’s time to move to another game. If you are losing as much as you said you’re just not understand certain aspects of the game well enough to progress.

I am the first person to say that the game is mostly luck of the draw but even a person with the worst luck has their day.

Lastly, this is the last place to come for help and understanding unfortunately. Most here will just eat you up.

Give it time the really good players will get higher and you’ll be able to climb a little more - just don’t worry about it for now ! Don’t let it ruin the game for you

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