Battleground - working as designed but unfun parts

Two parts of battlegrounds that are working as designed, but the consequences of that design are unfun to me. Just trying to provide feedback.

  1. Concede before first turn still in game. It seems like people can concede before even picking a hero yet are still in the game. Not sure if that’s people without tavern pass not liking the offered heroes with the anomaly or what, but it messes up the game for those still in.

  2. Matchmaking too good. Let me explain. The funnest part of battlegrounds is when you’ve got your “engine” going. That’s usually later in the game, with the first part necessary to get there but not as fun. So say a game where you go far is 20-30 minutes, with the first 10 as somewhat boring. Well, with good matchmaking we end up half the time investing those 10 minutes of boredom for no return. Well, not really boring but not nearly as interesting. If the matchmaking was looser so we played against more varied players, the times we are outmatched we can lose quicker, so less boredom investment, and the other times we can go further, so more time spent in the better part of the game. Basically, it would increase the ratio of good part vs. necessary part.