Battleground Trinket System Sucks

The trinket system is totally broken.

I have 2 Ancestral Automatons; no offer of the automaton lesser trinket…
Ok, I’ll take the random mech one I guess…
Greater trinket time! I have 3 ancestral automatons now, 1 of them is gold…
No Kazakhan Chess trinket offered…

No one else was even going mechs…
Either bring back the buddy system for some consistency, rebalance the algorithm, or let us reroll our trinket choices or something… Cause at the moment, the game is over by turn 4 if you get screwed by RNG.

There’s no skill involved in creating a good line-up anymore… Just cross your fingers and hope your trinkets aren’t total crap.

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I’m fairly sure they botched the trinket selection logic and probably didn’t have nearly enough QA time/staff to test the interactions properly.

Which, all things considered, is rather pathetic.

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Don’t disagree.

Let me see if I have this. Build a good board, carefully select minions based on synergistic relationships, get wrong trinkets….get destroyed.

Happy playing!


I have noticed that I’ll get offered tribes that I’ve never even picked a card up for or only 1. When the trinket logic is supposed to be 2+ in hand or on the board? Makes no sense, so I’d back this up by saying that the code behind it is busted.

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