I would like to talk about a small quality of life change with the battleground season pass, would we be able to add the amount of time that is left on it? like it is in the OW battle pass, it tells you how many days are left?
Thanks, hope your all having a great day <3
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Dude, the mode is broken to a level that I think it’s hard to repair and you want quality of life ? Like no one notices games were you get dreamers trinket and even though you have quillboars and murlocs , perfect tribes for battlecry you get 0 battlecries from those tribes… Like the t5 murloc was not even in the game after rolling 50 gold of turns…And no one played murlocs they all played mecs and dragons…
And yea, you want quality of life changes to the BATTLEGROUND PASS which is the p2w feature. Like how the hell would they tell you how many days there are left from the battlepass when they do not know the release date of the next season.
vendetta is lying/trolling
no other reason to try to make you belive the date on the browser store is fake (by claiming they dont know when the battle pass will end )
they should add the date ingame …they already did it for the browser store
its until december 3
And if they postpone it for whatever reason ? They need to change it everywhere right, wasting valuable deve…Yea yea…
I believe you might be right, to change a date or implement a date should be easy even for this washed up losers Blizzard calls developers. So yea, I agree , at least they could try…They ain’t doing anything with the developing time so they might as well as add useless features like this ones. At least some parts of the washed up wales will be happy.
Based on the 57 prior posts you’ve made, and the feverishly incoherent ramblings that comprise them, the only logical conclusion one could reasonably derive is that if the date gets postponed, Yog-Sosoth the Gate will manifest straight from a wound ripped from Time itself, and from his 43rd glowing orbous maw will spew the Key needed to unravel the Song that Sleeps the Dying Idiot God and then we’ll all be cleft into a multidimensional nothing.
I mean, it’s either that, or literally nothing of dire import whatsoever. Just, like, I don’t know, read a book, or something? Touch some grass? Look, I’m not a normal person but it seems like most of society treats pass-time delays as the trivial, normal, commonplace non-issues that they actually are.
EDIT: That said, I also would appreciate having the “anticipated” end date be shown somewhere in-game. Would be a nice QoL.
So you made a post about my incoherent rambling and added incoherent rambling to yours…I said that if it get’s postponed for whatever reason they will have to adjust that date always, which beats the purpose of having a date (also do you know how stupid it is for you to state “in 30 days you get a new season” and then they delay it and adjust that date ? It’s like always saying a movie will be out on x date and they didn’t even cast the actors, it makes you look like you know nothing about what you are doing)…They didn’t add a date because they do do not know if it will be 15 days to next expansion or 25 days to next expansion season before actually getting close to the date to estimate that.
Before actually replying to “incoherent ramblings” please at least use that solo queued to the understanding neuron you have.
And now here we go again, another forum warrior that will keep on posting imbecility with the velocity of a machine gun.
It’s almost like comparisons are a literary device.
And they can go in there and type the new date in. Takes like a minute. EDIT: Better still, they can call it “ESTIMATED” date. As-is, we have nothing.
You came into HERE with negativity. Nobody asked your personal opinion, and NO, you do NOT have a “right” to post here, just cutting THAT retort off at the plate. You’re violating several forum guidelines and it’s increasingly obvious you don’t care.
But you have the right to post here because what, you are an American ? …Sorry Bruce al Mighty, we are out of prayers to give you…Since I am violating whatever guidelines you fanatically forum warriors respect so much, why am I not banned…
Probably because I am violating nothing and you look terrible stupid for pointing that out.
Nobody has a right to post here. And I’m done feeding you.
I think this would be an excellent idea. A very nice QoL update that would be trivial to implement and nice to see in-game.