Battleground Op's

battleground will be perfect and full fun when some things change in there…first of all lets introduce iam the best player at this game since beta and i play bg all day almost and i think some things must be changed for all’s enjoy and good…first george the fallen must be his skill at 1 mana and give div shield for the next match AND ONLY! not for all game come on this is a administrator skill loool second elistra must be erased from the mind of all players i wish never be existed it mess all game and its very anoying and stupid lool…third i believe nzoth cant improve value with a 1/1 fish fourth i expect hadronox to come replace nzoth and some crap players and taunt minions get on the top for some days at least…fifth i believe there are so much players on the line like 50+omg players that pay the 2k gold or money must choose from 5 players…sixth lets get zerus back into game bcause the magic to have kalecgos from 3 stars depends on everyone’s luck at its own and luck must be rewarded as critical hits on wow…seventh whole planet waits looOOng time for a big nice murloc that will dominate the game at 6 stars and i will not say what minion i expect…i let your fantasy to dream about it and start make it :smiley:


I really wish I could understand what you’re saying so I can disagree with you properly.


george the fallen as you say dominating the game and it must stop indeed and a huge murloc needed ofc xD


yea that divine shield can change, dont know what else you were talking about.

couple question instead of making a thread while im here:

i was wondering what is with alexstraza? git to tier 5 and maybe git two tier 1 dragons? or is is discover two tier 5 dragons? never got that far with her.

also why is junkbot tier 5 when beaver is tier 1 with possibly more tokens available?

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Many ppl have commented that murloc poisen build sill is strong i remeber what they did can someone remember.
Do ppl feel murlocs need another nerf just curious,

What is punctuation, capitalization, and paragraphing?

Because without those, it’s pretty hard to put together a coherent thought that people can read and respond to.

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What are you talking about? Amalgadon is a big 6-star murloc. I don’t think he wants to be associated with those other tribes.

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look please be more coherent, but you are a bit off. elistra needs a nerf by adjusting the minions in the pool, how I do not know.
murlocs are fine
george is fine
nzoth is just a much harder champ to use at this time due to minion pool which needs adjustment for elistra to not make such a huge impact on the game
zerus is 100% luck based and that is ignorant. if you just rely on luck you do not really deserve many wins. you can triple into a shifter on turn three or earlier based on minion pool. faceless was a nice swap for this issue. there are just too many high power tier five and six cards for shifter to be viable and not broken.
murlocs are fine, felt that needed saying again.

george the fallen skill can be once per game like reno and costs 0 and game is so boring without zerus.

pretty sure ghoul counters divine shield builds and is not of a tribe

Murlocs need a good tier 6. George should be 3 coin for shield. Elementals need to be altered as they are OP.

its true friend they cut off zerus that its best fun at this mode and they create elistra that is best anoying card ever been made what can i say :confused:

uh not really. george was unviable at 3 gold for his hero power prior, now we do have a ton more greed generation now so it may possibly work, but not really when you have people paying nothing for their hero powers. elementals can beat divine shield murlocs when built properly. but think about the luck needed for that as well. same time murlocs are not supposed to win 16 turn games it seems since you get them early. they are for quick play and elementals are a longer running game style. there is a tribe balance at the moment cause amalgadons are pretty much mechs/murlocs. no one cares about the other types really. cause when you take it, what is the reason? so you can buff it with poison and divine shield it and hopefully get windfury. otherwise do you want those plants? it has no cleave and does nothing really. that is your tier six. murlocs are balanced the way they are for a reason. if you do not see how they are to be played you are missing the point of the system.
you must have different tribes better at different times in the game for proper balance. i just really dont see george as a end all be all champ though. i beat him regularly and when i play him i never feel like i am out of hand except when i get really good cards thrown my way and well any hero at that point is OP

George the fallen with murloc poison div shield is unbeatable i agree he must remove from battlegrounds or 1 time per match for me.Zerus must return and elistra must gone!

Dunno what to say … “and elistra must gone”!!! Whatever … Me smash ugly humans.
I hate it when i play Funglemancer and all i get is 3-4 murlocs the whole game. I have tryed the “Dig for golden minion” and i get golden Tobby cat (so cool at late game). I play Jaraxus and get 1-2 deamons the whole game. I won’t even mention that last year i have never ever ever seen Mama Bear in the tavern. I dont know how people get her. For me, everything is buying bulls**ts in the store. Once i buy some stupid thing and i got lucky whole week. After that i get UnLucky untill i buy some books. Then lucky for a week … stupid game, stupid P2W mechanics, stupid balances that nobody wants. W/e … good luck ppl :slight_smile:


I wish I could say you are wrong, but after my purchases I always have a good week and then get pooped on until the next purchase no matter what my MMR is. I could tank down to 2k and still have the same issues I have at 6k.