Battleground Improvements that I'd like to see

As the title states, these are some battlegrounds improvements that I’d like to see:

-Fix the heroes that you broke with the health nerf
Some of the heroes shine in the late game, however, if you don’t GET to late game due to bad draws, their hero ability is worthless. With the health nerf, there are often times where you die before you can get value from the hero power.
-Guarantee a tavern tier minion in each refresh while you are in tavern tiers 1-5
I hate it when I level a tavern tier (usually levels 4-5), press refresh, and get all level 1-2 minions. This shouldn’t happen!
-Allow us to use in-game gold for something in Battlegrounds.
I don’t play any other gametype. I have a lot of gold from BG and I’d like to use it on something.

Agreed, 70k gold, nothing to spend it on, can’t give it away to someone who has nothing… Might aswell put something there we BG’ers can spend it on.

Add an end turn option to Battleground so we all can speed it up if we are ready.

Also add a mode we can just choose a hero we want instead of random ones.

Random mode where every turn random hero random anomaly and random swap to enemy players team! XD