Battleground Duo report section ? (toxic players)

Blizzard when you will bring duo report section ? or maybe just a idea duo chat screen in battlegrounds.

In this post I am gonna update every toxic players names

Player name : SageSatyr ( I dont know battle tag beacsue of blizzard you can check from datas :slight_smile: )


Do you honestly think they are going to do anything that would cost them money?

If you really want a response, manually open a ticket on the webpage. Make sure you select the correct other category because the system is designed to mis-classify tickets so they can be automatically closed without actually being read by anyone. For instance if you type “hearthstone” as part of the search you will be presented with choices for unrelated games. These are just friction points they have designed into the system to discourage anyone from getting a response from a real person.

I am awaiting the day they put a chatbot in to reply and people figure out how to get inappropriate replies from it.


Thank you mate I will send a ticket also everyone can write names on this post for

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Duo’s is a steaming mess. you are a lucky if you get 1/10 games where you get a partner that has any clue how to play or isn’t a bot or toxic time waster. For such a great mode concept it’s a total waste of time in it’s current state.


Blizzard we dont need buddy patch or new something you need to first fix that isiuse why I have to fall rank becasue of toxic and st*pid players ?

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Adding another toxic player that sold everything mid game and just sits here spamming pings while I’m sitting here carrying solo because they are too much of a pos to simply exist as a decent human being.

If Blizzard does not implement the ability to report and act swiftly with account bans, this game mode is going to die and drag down the rest of the server counts as people quit.

trash person of the day >>> Cthulanu

Unfortunately, according to MicroActiBlizzard, such players aren’t breaking the rules but you posting their battletag name is, best remove it before certain players’ (of a Mountain, Scr*tes, Bore(as)) cronies flags your post and you get a forum vacation.

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You give to much importance to forum warriors who are literally worth nothing, not even a spit on the forehead.

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Where is report seciton blizzard ??? we started new season also where is duo chat ?

Why does it matter, hearthstone is in such a bad shape overall that why bg’s should matter… My suggestion, stop paying anything to Blizzard and move on from this deranged infuriating modes that have the only reason to make you put money in the game.