Battleground balance is trash

i am first 5 games into this bgs season, have watched numerous krip/dog/bofur/slyssa and this has got to be the worst bgs balance and game experience ever … nagas are trash below trash, dragons are nearly trash, pirates are meh but “”“okay”“”, and you basically just want to go murlocs, which, for as much as i’ve loved murlocs in the past, i pretty much hate them now on what is basically my day 1 experience playing because the entire game revolves around trying to be the top murloc player with the stupid brann/upbeat duo combo … which is the only highlight you will see any content creators have for this entire meta … unless this gets fixed, i’ll see you guys in 4 months … maybe


You are not alone in your views about the changes. I have seen lots of negativity about it.

I was considering reinstalling the game and I will pass.


i nearly posted this in bug reports (since i lurk there most) but then i realized that this meta balance was “a feature”

Dragons are good now. I’d like Evolving Chromawing instead of Dozy Whelp because Nadina is not good with a taunt minion. If you want to upgrade a T1 to the end it’s best to avoid taunt. Otherwise they are perfectly playable.

I’ve only ever been able to watch this season. I can’t possibly play this and expect to have a good time.

If ever there was an example of power creep in BGs, it’s this entire patch, especially in Beasts and Murlocs.

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i do want to be clear that i appreciate some of the ideas of redesigning the “direction” of some of the tribes, however, i do believe that the balance specifically is what is making it necessary to taking up the pitchfork … i know some people are probably going to blame the design and that it can be difficult to distinguish one from the other, and there may be some of that in this issue, but for me the blame goes to the balance side of it

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does the minions and their balance matters when the game picks one player in the begining and push it to win

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are you suggesting a rigged system? not sure what you mean

Where are you pitchforking here? Go do it on the devs twitter where they actually read it.

I totally agree. There are always 1-2 players who get the perfect minions in EVERY turn and have a huge boosted board with more golden key minions very early and the others get only trash with zero synergy. No matter how often they refresh, they get only useless trash. Well, BG seems to be rigged.

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This is what everyone is too blind to see, refuse to accept, or loves defending a game and making you prove its not rig. The game has already picked a winner at the at the start with all the “high rolls” and bs rng attacks theyll get.

Hearthstone scam rng it’s trash, ALL fake random system it’s trash, we are all hamsters for Hs only hamsters