Battle of the Bans Tavern Brawl

This is a pretty creative Brawl. You pick 4 cards, and your opponent will get to ban one of them, so you will end up with a deck of 10 of each of the other cards. However, the person doing the banning only sees 3 of the 4 cards (the fourth can be banned, but is shown as a mystery card).

I have seen some good decks from multiple classes. Jade is popular, as are anything that can buff your minions.

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I went with:
Silverware Golem
Fist of Jaraxxus

Got a dozen wins and some chuckles during my lunch break then called it good.


I haven’t played a game yet, however here’s the 4 cards I’m thinking about going with

Arcane Missiles
Daring Fire-Eater
Jan’alai, the Dragonhawk

lol good one. i went with doomguard golem and fists and succubus

Timber Wolf,
Knife Juggler,
easy win!!!

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I was curious what will the autocomplete suggest for Mage.

Daring Fire Eater, Zombie Chow, Belligerent Gnome, Plated Beetle.

…swapped Chow for a Babbling Book to add spice, works out.

Soularium, darkshire librarian, soulfire and silverware golem.

Add Prince Malchezaar to your deck and you will get 7-8 times the x5 legendary added to your deck. The enemy may ban one card but your deck is now full of strogn legendary cards. Easy win.


I did this:

Edwin VanCleef

No matter what they ban, they’ll be in a world of hurt. If they ban Shadowstep (worst case scenario for me), I still have Swashburglars giving me lots of cards, 10 Pogo-Hoppers, and Edwin VanCleef. If they ban Swashburglar, baaaaad decision buddy. If they ban Pogo-Hopper or Edwin VanCleef I still have the other to buff to massive numbers.

perso i play jade druid :

- Naturalize
- Raven Idol
- jade blossom
- jade spirit

surprisingly , almost every opponent ban my blossom :rofl: or sometimes , they ban naturalize , but i never see anyone ban my idol knowing it’s probably the most broken card of that “deck”

Anyway , i’m currently at 47 wins for 5 or 7 looses , but it’s the starting day so will see in 24h ^^

Probably they are not getting the option i think

I had a Shaman quest to do:
Tunnel Trogg
Totem Golem
Fireguard Destroyer (decided I didn’t want 2 OL)
Thing From Below

It won it’s only game. I am sure it isn’t top but I was done, lol.

If they ban the SW Golem tho

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They ban Soularium 100% and you end up with no hand in 2 turns, and nowhere near killing your opponent.

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Hunter with traps:
1x (1) Webspinner
1x (2) Explosive Trap
1x (2) Freezing Trap
1x (6) Lesser Emerald Spellstone

For discard you want Soulfire, Silverware Golem, Fist of Jaraxxus, Doomguard.

Always a win condition, with redundancy for each potential ban.

I think I faced the worst deck this entire Brawl: Lich King, Ragnaros (iirc, not sure anymore, but it was hella expensive), and Ysera. “OK, this hidden card must be some secret strategy to make this work”, I thought, so I banned… Malygos???

This is pretty fun. The ban is a great idea when compared to similar brawls we had in the past where you had to make a deck of only a few different cards. This probably wont get stale with 1-2 decks which is what usually happens with low card brawls. Very fun thx.

I used
Silverware golem
Feral Gibberer

It is hilarious!

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